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Holidays: Happy Valentine's Day Farmgirls!!  |
Red Tractor Girl
True Blue Farmgirl
6697 Posts

6697 Posts |
Posted - Feb 14 2020 : 06:24:54 AM
Wishing all of you a very Happy Valentine's Day! May it be filled with lots of hugs, kisses, and phone calls from those you love!!
.jpg?v 72674057)
It is Spring down here in Florida and my Azalea bushes are full of these pink blossoms. The vintage cards were gifted from a friend who has collected postcards for over 30 years. I love those old graphics!
Winnie #3109 Red Tractor Girl Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015 FGOTM- October 2018 |
Edited by - Red Tractor Girl on Feb 14 2020 06:26:10 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
4778 Posts
4778 Posts |
Posted - Feb 14 2020 : 07:32:16 AM
Happy Valetine's Day Winnie and to all our farmgirls! Enjoy your spring, we had -18 this morning here in the Chicago area. Yesterday we finished off getting 4"s of snow. Spring is just a dream for us right now.
Dawn in IL
"To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake it is necessary to stand out in the cold." - Aristotle |
Edited by - ddmashayekhi on Feb 14 2020 07:32:53 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
7389 Posts

7389 Posts |
Posted - Feb 14 2020 : 1:10:53 PM
Beautiful flowers Winnie! Happy Valentine’s Day to you. I hope everyone has a wonderful day filled with love! Sending you many Farmgirl hugs!
Krista |
True Blue Farmgirl
1334 Posts
Flat Top
1334 Posts |
Posted - Feb 14 2020 : 2:16:24 PM
BEAUTIFUL AZALEAS---I used to go see my sister in Charleston SC and I got to see the azaleas in bloom. They were beautiful and I will never forget seeing them. A happy Valentine's day for me for sure. Hubby is cooking a steak dinner and I get to pick a movie to watch instead of him picking a war movie. Although since he loves the Civil War I picked a romance set during the war called Civil Love. I didn't want to make him too puked out with romance and to tell the truth most romance movies puke me out too. Have a great evening ladies.
Old Age Ain't No Place For Sissies!------Bette Davis |
Blessed in Colorado
True Blue Farmgirl
6872 Posts

Debbie L.
6872 Posts |
Posted - Feb 14 2020 : 2:47:30 PM
Happy Valentines Day to all my beautiful Farmgirl Sisters.
Big Hugs, Debbie #1582 Blessed in Colorado Farmgirl of the Month September 2012 and February2018 “My altars are My Mountains and the ocean.” Lord Byron” Women are Angels, and when someone breaks our wings we simply continue to fly on our Broomsticks. We’re flexible like that.
True Blue Farmgirl
4778 Posts
4778 Posts |
Posted - Feb 14 2020 : 5:03:44 PM
"All you need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt." Charles M. Schulz
Dawn in IL
"To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake it is necessary to stand out in the cold." - Aristotle |
377 Posts

377 Posts |
Posted - Feb 02 2023 : 10:10:06 AM
I read this little article about Roses recently and thought it might be the perfect time to share it with you all - just in time for Valentine's Day!!
Roses.... how can roses be medicine you ask? Well, it’s pretty easy...
One they smell nice... so nice in fact that they are the world’s most popular flower. A lot of research has gone into the rose. They are used for stress, anxiety reduction and can help reduce depression. All kinds of emotional melancholy have been healed with the smell of roses. The essential oil also helps us ladies at PMS time, and when you can't sleep research has shown that rose essential oils calms your mind and body and helps you get back to sleep faster. It's the super relaxing essential oil and used to celebrate everything from the birth of a child, coming of age, love, marriage, valentines and even illness and death.
Each rose has a different meaning. Roses have not only been used as essential oils and aromatherapy medicines, they have also been used to send messages to recipients in the old fashioned and almost lost language of flowers.
Red roses of course are romantic love... and the more you send... well that’s all about how much you want to tell your beloved of your love.
Pink Roses are also love, and they can be romantic... more timeless, eternal and family love. Friendship love and trusted and steady long-term love.... Love, Love, Love....
White roses are peace and purity, they are for baby showers, get well, and for weddings. They are for your home to help the feeling of peace and purity.
Orange roses are for creativity, congratulations and for intensity and when something is super vibrant. They are for graduations, congratulations and for success on a project.
The yellow rose is support, appreciation and platonic love. It is the symbol for Zonta International Woman’s philanthropy organisation. So, they say you did good things in a good way.
Now, when we drink the tea or make the extractions, we are tapping into another side of roses that is also ancient and so good! Think antimicrobial and infection fighting activities to keep you strong and to protect your body from invading pathogens. Think emotional support and nervous system balancing. Anti-inflammatory and softening medicines. Yes, the rose has it all. These are the traditional uses of roses and they are simply divine.
The tea also tastes delicious. It smells like roses, it tastes like roses. Putting roses on your skin is also an ancient practice. In bath salts, oils and creams. Rose is just perfect."
My favourite rose is the orange rose. What's yours?
Farmgirl #6058 Farmgirl Sister of the Year 2021
"The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything they have". |
True Blue Farmgirl
2724 Posts

2724 Posts |
Posted - Feb 02 2023 : 10:30:33 AM
Happy Valentines Day to all you lovely ladies, and may love and beauty surround you all. I too, love roses, Great article, Cindy, so many healing powers in our flowers and herbs. The Portland Rose Gardens is one of my favorites places to visit, although, these days it's turned into quite an tourist destination unlike it was when I was growing up. I think I love the variegated varieties best, and the ruffled edged antique white roses are a favorite. They are just so beautiful!
Dreamer42 Farmgirl Sister #7038 |
Nancy Gartenman
True Blue Farmgirl
9094 Posts
West Seneca
New York
9094 Posts |
Posted - Feb 02 2023 : 10:34:20 AM
Hi Winnie, HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! Love the picture and you know I love the postcards. I hope to find some of the older ones this year at garage sales. YOUR FLOWERS ARE SO PRETTY. I have to wait a few more months for mine. Hugs Nancy Jo
True Blue Farmgirl
9475 Posts

9475 Posts |
Posted - Feb 02 2023 : 1:22:19 PM
Happy Valentine Winnie! To all the farmgirls. Cindy wonderful info on roses. They are edible too by the way. We used to sugar them and put them on cakes and cupcakes.
~Denise Sister #43~1/18/2007
"I am a bookaholic and I have no desire to be cured." 
"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
True Blue Farmgirl
1715 Posts

1715 Posts |
Posted - Feb 03 2023 : 10:07:44 AM
Happy Valentine’s Day to each of you!
Winnie, your flowers are so beautiful! No blooms in my yard this year, yet.
I may be the only girl out there who isn’t a huge fan of roses. Don’t get me wrong, they are beautiful and smell amazing. I just prefer the more simple flowers…sunflowers and daisies! :)
Karen :)
To quote one of my past preschoolers “Not one of those Karens, but a good Karen”! Haha |
Holidays: Happy Valentine's Day Farmgirls!!  |