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 homemade masks
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Flat Top WV
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Posted - May 10 2020 :  04:47:57 AM  Show Profile
Well seems masks are the new fashion. I see colorful homemade masks that match outfits the few times we venture out and on TV. Our PO lady admired my mask and said I did a good job on it and she was so proud of the one a friend had made for her with flags on it. She inspired me to make some more---it do get tedious in the holler with nary a nice word said to lift your spirits---LOL. Any way is this the new normal---people admiring homemade masks? We always need a little sunshine in our life and I think colorful masks give a little ray of it and lightens the load just a teeny bit.

Old Age Ain't No Place For Sissies!------Bette Davis

True Blue Farmgirl

2429 Posts

Galt CA
2429 Posts

Posted - May 10 2020 :  6:45:41 PM  Show Profile
Masks are now a fashion statement. We might as well have fun with them.
A couple of months ago a man entering a bank or store wearing a bandana over his face would've prompted a call to the police, now it's part of the "new normal".


Happiness is Homemade
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True Blue Farmgirl

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WACAL Gal WashCalif.
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Posted - May 11 2020 :  5:15:47 PM  Show Profile
I am actually looking for a "pair of Lips" to machine embroider on my masks... and a mustash for my DH's masks!

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva! &

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Flat Top WV
1334 Posts

Posted - May 13 2020 :  04:15:37 AM  Show Profile
That is too funny Grace and a good idea. That would freak people out and get plenty of double takes. I actually saw a photo of a mannequin in a clothing store with a mask on to match the outfit. Freaky. I---like Nancy known as Tumbleweed also use bandanas and match them to my outfit on the rare occasions we venture out. Somehow it makes you feel better to be stylin---LOL.

Old Age Ain't No Place For Sissies!------Bette Davis
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City Chick
True Blue Farmgirl

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Chattanooga TN
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Posted - May 26 2020 :  2:21:57 PM  Show Profile
I bought bandana print fabric, red & blue, so I could make some masks. Next rainy day. A friend made me a flower one and hubby a deer/camo print. He gets so many compliments on his!


Farm Girl #790

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True Blue Farmgirl

1022 Posts

Southern California
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Posted - May 26 2020 :  5:26:12 PM  Show Profile
I have made a lot of masks, six for each family member (my mom, two daughters, brother, sister, niece, nephew on my side and three sisters on my husbands side) along with some for hubby and myself. This week I am hoping to start round two, as I have been waiting for specialty fabrics from Spoonflower that has been on order for well over a month (pitbull dog adoption, computer, electricity, woodworking, to name a few) that is expected to arrive late this week or early next week. Each face mask is three layers (two fabric and one flannel), 6" x 9" with a 6 1/2" elastic and two pleats. Doesn't take long to make each, just not the most exciting craft project, but happy to do my part. This has been a great way to dent the fat quarter and scrap fabric collection.

MJF #7110

Gardening is cheaper than therapy and you get tomatoes. ~Author Unknown
All I really need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt! ~Charles Schulz
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - May 26 2020 :  6:05:02 PM  Show Profile
Gracie Grace,
You should also find a small rose applique and put it on one side of the lips so it looks like you are ready to tango!


When life gives you more than you can stand.....kneel !
Grateful, Thankful and Blessed!

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True Blue Farmgirl

54 Posts

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Posted - Aug 09 2020 :  05:03:10 AM  Show Profile
I made 26 masks immediately in March for everyone at my local grocery store - pleated, double cotton, and elastic ear straps. Then I found JoAnn Fabric's Seminole pattern online for a more snug fit that's molded around the face. I angled the jaw line for a better fit and use a very soft underwear elastic. Then I wondered about fabric. One friend was inserting Hepa vacuum bag material, another had adjustable shoulder straps from an old prom gown, another had a pocket to insert a filter of some sort, it really runs the gamut. So, I wondered what the scientists have found. If you search "mask fabric site: edu" you can get science-based information on how different combinations of fabric can get close to an N-95. I tried two layers of cotton with a layer of modal and another of polyester. Very hard to breathe through for me. Then there's interesting info about silk trapping germs via static. Bottom line, I have fully embraced wearing a mask, I'm purchasing 1/4 yards or fat quarters of really fun 100% cotton fabric and going to thrift stores for $2 silk scarves or $6 super large polyester (not stretchy) dresses. The layer closest to my face is from either old scraps or high quality XL men's cotton shirts from thrift stores for $4. This all helps me not feel so bummed out at having to wear a mask. And I have a feeling we will need to wear them for several more months. Already have the holiday fabric ready to cut!

Hope this helps - I had no idea about "site: edu" to get search results just from higher education sites. Learned that recently in a work webinar.

Julie (awaiting Sister#)
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Jack Al.
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Posted - Aug 09 2020 :  07:13:27 AM  Show Profile
I've been wanting to sew myself and Sara a mask since this all began. Luckily I has 2 N95's in my tool box for yard work that I bought back last november. Now weve worn them out and cant find anymore. Now that I've broke my wrist I cant sew!! I got on etsy last night to search for a good mask maker. One shop sold over 900 masks at 10 dollars each. I'd say that is pretty good money considering the cost to make them. However, I never saw the kind of mask I wanted for Sarbear and I. Should anyone here make these to sell, especially like the way you mentioned EMGJulie, I'd like to purchase a few? Just send me an email.
BTW!! Welcome to you EMGJulie!! So happy you are part of this wonderful amazing group of women!!

Farmgirl #7103
FGOTM January 2018
"Blessed are they that see beautiful things in humble places, where other people see nothing." Pissarro
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True Blue Farmgirl

54 Posts

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Posted - Aug 09 2020 :  4:18:16 PM  Show Profile
Dianna, just sent you an email. First, I'm so sorry you have a broken wrist - that's awful and I hope you heal quickly. I can't imagine making 900 - the 26 about did me in but I was doing those in one day. It takes me a good 45 minutes just to sew each one (not counting cutting it out of three fabrics). I can help you! Please know USPS is very slow and UPS costs a small fortune. Learned this the hard way. I have a breast cancer motif mask floating around the USPS system somewhere and my friend needs it. It has been a week to go about 300 miles. Thank you for the welcome! This is a very amazing group of women and I could write and share for hours. I might have overdone it on my welcome page but I figured, hey, that's the time to let everyone know who I am. I can hardly wait for my Sister #, welcome packet, and the badge book I ordered. I look forward to your email -

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True Blue Farmgirl

2429 Posts

Galt CA
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Posted - Aug 10 2020 :  12:30:55 PM  Show Profile
Dianna --it's in the mail.


Happiness is Homemade
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5 acre Farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

1007 Posts

1007 Posts

Posted - Mar 04 2021 :  10:29:12 AM  Show Profile
I hate the thought of breathing my own carbon dioxide, sooo i made lace or loosely woven linen loose fitting madks....anyone sewing lace masks ?

Farmgirl Sister #368
Life is too short, it is just a vapor, live it like you wont have another minute with the ones you love......
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True Blue Farmgirl

7577 Posts

7577 Posts

Posted - Mar 04 2021 :  11:08:45 AM  Show Profile
LOL... I have to share... I bought a homemade red tartan plaid mask last fall. Loved it so much that I bought a purse to match. Then I found a matching scarf that had to complete the ensemble. My hubby laughed and called me a of the rare times anything gets a rise out of him. We had a good laugh, but I didn't let that bother me. I wear them everywhere and get nothing but compliments for being so pulled together. I just laugh and say if we have to wear 'em, we might as well wear 'em with flare. I saw a lady at the grocery store a few weeks ago who had gone crazy with her Bedazzler. She had applied rhinestones in a swirly pattern to the outside layer and then sewn in a second "filter" layer. It was definitely bedazzling (you wouldn't miss her in the headlights, that's for sure!) and I applauded her creativity and self-expression! Funny how, even though we can't see the lips smiling, the sparkle in the eyes - and masks - says it all!

Hugs -


Farmgirl Sister #1974

God gave us two hands... one to help ourselves, and one to help others!

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