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 Getting a little scary with the thrift store...

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JudyBlueEyes Posted - Feb 15 2008 : 12:43:01 PM
Okay, so I am doing a little "spa day" on Monday 2/18 for some friends of mine. We're going to make and do facials, making a cleanser, mask, moisturizer, toner, etc out of fruits and veggies and natural, organic ingredients and such. I'll do a soapmaking demo and we'll make a lotion bar and lip balm.
Well...of course I was wondering what I was gonna wear and which apron. I like to wear a full apron, cause when I get creative, I get a little messy...I would love it if I had a nice white or off-white with lace or ruffle trim and I could wear it over a grey cotton knit casual dress - so I went to my favorite thrift looking for something...and I actually FOUND a grey-ish full apron with some colored stripes on it that was homemade by someone and it will work just fine for my purposes. It looks like kind of a Mexican trim, and even has a pocket. Finding it like that was...kind of a little eerie for me.
At the same time, I found a hard back copy of a book I've been looking for for some time - it just jumped off the shelf at me.
I'm wondering if I am manifesting these goodies to come my way?!?
Well, it wasn't as good as Nancy Jo's days at the thrift, but it worked for me :-) Judy

We come from the earth, we go back to the earth, and in between, we garden!
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katmom Posted - Feb 18 2008 : 7:48:51 PM
you went shopping w/o me!?!?!?!
hmmmm, this will cost you my friend!!!! lol!
Oh, by the by, I saw that there is a Value Village over in Spokane Valley on Sprague!!!

>^..^< Happiness is being a katmom.
Sisters on the Fly#472
italianchildhood Posted - Feb 18 2008 : 09:23:12 AM
I agree completely: you just don't know when or where, but all of a sudden, why, there's a perfect bookcase! A little scuffed but perfect!

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Amie C. Posted - Feb 18 2008 : 04:11:18 AM
My husband and I headed to the office supply store one day because we'd decided to bite the bullet and buy a filing cabinet. Two blocks from the store, we found a filing cabinet on the curb. It's amazing how these things just happen sometimes. Trouble is you can't really count on them happening at a convenient time and place. But it's really cool when they do.
kydeere40744 Posted - Feb 16 2008 : 08:57:38 AM
Now if that book fell and hit you on the head, I guess you could call it fate? haha. I'm getting ready to head out thrifting. Hope to find some goodies to share. :)

~Jessica in Kentucky & Farmgirl Sisterhood #137~
Be sure to visit my blog & Crafty Clipart for some of my photographs:
Past Blessings Posted - Feb 16 2008 : 03:43:05 AM
Don't you just love days like that. It helps make up for all the "Dry days" that we have sometimes. There have been times I have totally hit the "motherload" and other times I have left empty handed. Funny, on the days I leave empty handed I feel almost sad or picked on! LOL!

Hugs & blessings,


Past Blessings . . . Celebrating Life as it used to be . . . when people loved God, loved their families and loved their country.
mikesgirl Posted - Feb 15 2008 : 4:55:14 PM
Sounds like more Law of Attraction!

Farmgirl Sister #98
Check out my new online store
Nancy Gartenman Posted - Feb 15 2008 : 2:45:11 PM
Miss Bee Haven Posted - Feb 15 2008 : 1:20:03 PM
That's 'Nancy Jo's first law of thrifting', all right. If you need it, it will come. LOL!

Farmgirl Sister #50

"If you think you've got it nailed down, then what's all that around it?"
'Br.Dave Gardner'
Marybeth Posted - Feb 15 2008 : 1:02:36 PM
Hey Judy, that's what it's all about. Things just seem to jump out at ya when you need them/or want them. M
"Life may not be the party we hoped for...but while we are here we might as well dance!"

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