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 Bored with all food--a "Seasonal" disorder

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KYgurlsrbest Posted - Mar 11 2007 : 8:12:02 PM
I guess I'm in between Seasons, or something, because although we've only had a few Spring like days here, I've already got the bug for something fresh--a plate of sliced tomatoes (that actually have flavor), or 3 ears of sweet corn--something like that and I'm completely over the hearty winter food thing. I have a gazillion different frozen stews, soups etc...and I've turned my nost up at all of them.

Can't put my finger on it, but for someone who loves food and how to make it, I've been without a planned menu for 5 days straight--absolutely no desire to cook or eat and for once in my life, nothing actually SOUNDS good.

What's up? Anyone else get this way around (foodwise) looking forward to the next season? It's almost like I'm putting away my winter clothes, but only with winter foods.

Just think of all of the roads there are...all of the things I haven't seen....yet.
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KYgurlsrbest Posted - Mar 12 2007 : 1:31:08 PM
I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling this's REAL weird when I can't find anything to eat!!!!

Spring cleansing, it was supposed to be A LOT warmer than it actually made it to today, but I still think I'm going to grill out. Grilled asparagus brushed with olive oil, garlic and sea salt, and balsamic honey grilled chicken breast over wild rice with almonds.

Tomorrow night, fajitas!!!

"In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt." Margaret Atwood

kitchensqueen Posted - Mar 12 2007 : 1:12:17 PM
I am seriously craving pasta salad! I am weighing in my mind whether I will cheat the seasons today and go to the big box store and get lettuce and cherry tomatoes... we've been so good this year, eating with the seasons... but a salad would be so good! Oh... what do I do?

Now Open!:
BarefootGoatGirl Posted - Mar 12 2007 : 11:19:35 AM
I can just taste a tomato and cucumber sandwich about now! Must me time to get out in the garden!

Of all the things I have created, my children are the best.
catscharm74 Posted - Mar 12 2007 : 08:35:13 AM
Yes, I get bored in the winter and look forward to just eating a bowl of fresh fruit or vegetables that have some taste. I found some corn I froze from last summer and ate 3 ears in one sitting. It was so good!!!

I am not a big fan of heavy meals anyway but in winter time it is hard to find some ingredients. I love Spring. It is my favorite time of the year.
DaisyFarm Posted - Mar 11 2007 : 11:34:24 PM
Maybe we need a spring cleanse of some kind Jonni. I made a roast chicken dinner tonite with all the trimmings and while it turned out good, I'm just tired of heavy meals. I was trying to come up with some supper ideas for the week and like you say, nothing seems appealing. Your fajitas sound good Julie. This time of year I really miss the garden the most...fresh beets and chard, sun-warmed tomatoes with olive oil and fresh basil...spinach salad. Yep, it's definitely time for some lighter, fresher meals around here. Anyone got any good/fresh ideas?
ByHzGrace Posted - Mar 11 2007 : 9:00:12 PM
Guess that comes from living with all those seasons y'all claim to love so much lol

Are you missing the plowing, harrowing and weeding too? I do admit to missing mango sucking season nothing like a sunkissed sweeet mango.

KYgurlsrbest Posted - Mar 11 2007 : 8:48:27 PM
That sounds great, Julie--I got a fajita pan for Christmas that I've yet to use, and I think that will be tomorrow night's supper. I've been really blue about food, so thanks for the inspiration!!!

"In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt." Margaret Atwood

willowtreecreek Posted - Mar 11 2007 : 8:46:27 PM
I made fajitas because like you I crave the veggies but the ones I want aren;t inseason yet. I made some marinated skirt steak and grilled it. We sauteed onion, red pepper and portabello mushrooms and served on large tortillas. I added a bit of sour cream and a ton of fresh cilanto and a bit of lime juice and it gave it such a bright fresh flavor that really hit the spot!

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