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Author Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!:  Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees 
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16508 Posts

Posted - Mar 30 2009 :  3:39:00 PM  Show Profile
Laura Marie Siegert has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge!

"I have been slowly collecting reusable shopping bags. I started with two one day to get home with what groceries I had bought. From there I would buy one or two more. I now have 20 bags to reuse!

It is a very good way to not have extra stuff laying around or plastic bags to always have around. I keep all the bags folded inside one in the back of my car. That way I am never without. I can always take one with me when I go into the store. I usually don't even take a bag if I am getting just one item. It's not worth it. I have two hands and if I need them I have bags in my car!"

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 30 2009 :  3:49:18 PM  Show Profile
Laura Marie Siegert has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Aprons badge!

"I made four St. Patty's Day Aprons for the St. Patty's Craft exchange. I used a basic apron shape, some cream-colored eyelets, and cut them in strips and rolled the hems over and added the tie around.
I spent about 6 hours total on all of them.

They turned out very cute and all the girls seemed to have loved them. I like to wear mine around the house and have it on whenever I am cleaning or in the garden! It is a fashion statement to me!"

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16508 Posts

Posted - Mar 30 2009 :  3:57:21 PM  Show Profile
Tasha-Rose Mirick has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Sew Wonderful badge!

"I've been a seamstress for years, but in my last pregnancy my studio fell behind. In cleaning it back up I made a little kit and another pin keep. I have an interesting collection of pin keeps as it is, so this one is another!

It turned out lovely! I wish I could take a photo, but I am missing the memory chip for my camera! EEK!"
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16508 Posts

Posted - Mar 30 2009 :  4:02:03 PM  Show Profile
Tasha-Rose Mirick has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Sew Wonderful badge!

"I've been a seamstress for years, so this was really quite easy for me to do. Instead of doing it myself though, I made a sampler and taught Grace how to do it. She in turn earned a Girls Scout badge for sewing!

It was great! A lovely time teaching Grace to sew on her own machine using her own fabric and my sampler of seams and stitches to guide her!"
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16508 Posts

Posted - Mar 30 2009 :  4:03:01 PM  Show Profile
Laura Marie Siegert has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Aprons badge!

"I wanted to make my best friend, also a farmgirl, a fun apron for her birthday. I found the cutest fabric at the store and bought a couple of yards. I then came home and found the pattern I wanted to use, and then found fabric that I had in my stash to complement the fabric and make it fun. I then added a little something to the edges by making the top stitching a little more fun. Put some zig and zag on it. She loved her apron and everything about it. She is scared to wear it because she doesn't want to get it dirty!=)

It turned out lovely, but I did make one little mistake. I wasn't paying attention and when I layed the fabric out, one of the sides is going upside down...ooppps... but I put it on the back side of the over lapping front. So it's not so noticeable. It turned out great and she loves it. This took me a good 4 to 5 hours."

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 30 2009 :  4:14:24 PM  Show Profile
Gail Springman has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Heirlooms Forever! badge!

"I'm reading 'Gardening with Heirlooms', and read 'Carrots Love Tomatoes'. Sent for heirloom seeds from Baker Creek and SSE and some organic seeds from Burpee. Purchased more heirloom seeds from local nursery.

Have started heirloom lettuce and radish outside and some other seeds indoors. Will have two gardens with heirlooms and organic seeds only this year. Will be learning all I can about how to save heirloom seeds and just excited to be making a difference."

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16508 Posts

Posted - Mar 31 2009 :  1:07:47 PM  Show Profile
Merry Amann has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Buttoned Up badge!

"I used to own a cross-stitch shop and would buy antique buttons to use on my needlework smalls. I never really paid any attention to my buttons as a 'collection' until I joined MJF. I took out my mason jar of buttons and really looked at them. Well, NOW I have a collection. I didn't realize that I already owned so many neat and pretty buttons.

As I looked through my collection, I picked out the ones I really liked. I like the big black ones, they remind me of my daddy's navy pea coat. I found myself making up stories about where the buttons came from, a prom dress, a 'go to town' suit, etc.

I am glad I did this."

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 31 2009 :  1:38:18 PM  Show Profile
Merry Amann has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Sew Wonderful badge!

"I put together a simple sewing kit.

I put needles, pins, safety pins, scissors, buttons and several thread spools into a gathered bag I made myself. Also included is a velvet strawberry emory that I made."

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 08 2009 :  5:03:16 PM  Show Profile
Pamela Cook has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Buttoned Up badge!

"I used a favorite canning jar and gathered up all the buttons I had stashed around the house - even pulled some out of my scrapbooking supplies. Most of them are from my late aunt's collection. I used some quilting scraps to make a pin cushion on the top.

I love it! It's sitting next to my favorite spot ready to pull out when one of us loses a button."

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 08 2009 :  5:11:26 PM  Show Profile
Gail Springman has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Aprons badge!

"I sewed a full apron by using some vintage and new materials. Also used a pattern which I haven't been familiar with using in many years.

It turned out OK. Had a bit of trouble understanding the pattern, but finally got it worked out."

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 08 2009 :  5:21:58 PM  Show Profile
Gail Springman #486 has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an intermediate level Going Green badge!

"I made my own laundry soap from a recipe on the forum. I also made a carpet freshener and am making a dish soap. I've been reading up on new and natural ways to clean my home. I now use a lot of baking soda, salt, boraxo and lemons with different essential oils.

It's been going really well. For the laundry soap, I found a smoother grater, so it would come out finer. Things seem to be cleaning just fine and there are no chemical smells at all. Really glad I've done this."

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 13 2009 :  2:42:08 PM  Show Profile
Marcy Piggott #257 has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Families Forever badge!

"We started game night around Christmas. We have always played games but we made an effort for this. We played Bakugan the most with the parents getting their own set!! We also play dice games and card games! We just started reading 'My Side of the Mountain'. They can't wait to finish the book!!

We just love the 'real' time that we are spending together. Not all of us play all the time, but we are having fun. Reading has been done at the dinner table taking turns in between bites. (It's the only time I have all their attention!)"
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16508 Posts

Posted - Apr 13 2009 :  3:47:38 PM  Show Profile
Marcy Piggott #257 has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Entrepreneurial Spirit badge!

"So I finally decided that I could have my own business! I am naming it 'Marcy's Market'. I will have aprons, skirts, tops, bloomers, handbags, and any thing that I can craft. I want to sell soaps and share heirloom seeds.

I am revamping my old blog to be more specific to the market. I have set up an email and am sharing my dream with anyone who will listen!!! The picture is of my porch and during the summer that is probably where the market will be located!"

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16508 Posts

Posted - Apr 13 2009 :  4:12:48 PM  Show Profile
Marcy Piggott #257 has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an intermediate level Know Your Food badge!

"We have eliminated all HFCS from our diet by reading labels and doing research. The kids were not happy, but are adjusting to their new tastes! We are eating all local and organic foods now. Currently, there are no CSAs in my area. The extension office didn't even know what they were!

Last night the kids asked if they could defrost some of last years frozen fresh fruit! I was so thrilled that they didn't ask for cookies! I even talked with my hubby about the idea of becoming a CSA since there aren't any in our area! Who knows maybe we could be the first one in our county!!"
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 13 2009 :  4:23:18 PM  Show Profile
Marcy Piggott #257 has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an intermediate level Organic on a Budget badge!

"My eating plan is to make everything from scratch! It may take a minute longer to mix up, but it tastes so much better and I know exactly what it is made of! We are only eating local and organic, but that also means we are eating in season. This is a bit harder, but makes us anticipate the arrival of strawberries!

At first, the kids had a bit of trouble adjusting, but now they want bread and biscuits and treats from scratch! My grocery bill has decreased so much that the thought of spending $100 a week on food is outrageous!"
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16508 Posts

Posted - Apr 13 2009 :  4:38:49 PM  Show Profile
Marcy Piggott #257 has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an expert level Bustin' Out badge!

"We have continued on our journey and are only eating local and organic foods! The journey has seen kids grumbling about the changes and family members thinking I am radical!

We are eating so much healthier now! The kids request good, real food. I still am 'preaching' about the need to know what is in our food and why! I made a birthday cake with local ingredients and while it didn't quite turn out, they ate it because they liked the taste!"
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 13 2009 :  4:47:34 PM  Show Profile
Marcy Piggott #257 has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an expert level Aprons badge!

"I finally realized that I could take all my favorite parts of aprons and make one that I really liked! I needed one to come just above my knees, cover my tops (because I get dirty doing everything!) and made from my favorite fabric!!

I made the white one with tiny red hearts for my friend Rose! She just loved it! My favorite part was the heart trim I found by accident! Then I made the red one for me, and I must admit I love mine too! I added one yo-yo to each apron for the finishing touches!"

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 13 2009 :  4:56:28 PM  Show Profile
Marcy Piggott #257 has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level What's Your Beef? badge!

"I did a lot of research on the subject even though I already knew that grass-fed beef was the better choice! I couldn't believe the amount of things I learned! When cattle eat what God intended they are healthier which makes us healthier.

Cattle were not meant to eat corn and when they do, I believe that it adds to the health problems we face! I will only feed my family grass-fed beef and I don't care if it costs a little more. Last night I was able to explain to my daughter the differences and why it is important. She used that information to write her essay for school!"
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 15 2009 :  2:53:44 PM  Show Profile
Marcy Piggott #257 has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge!

"I have some bags that I have been collecting but not using on a regular basis! So I put them in the front of the car instead of the back so I can easily reach them!

I am also starting to collect pretty bags! The generic ones are so boring! If I forget to bring in a bag I will carry out the stuff by hand! You should see some of the looks I get!!!"
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 15 2009 :  5:02:05 PM  Show Profile
Sharon Stout #319 has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge!

"My 16 year-old daughter bought me reusable shopping bags last year for Mother's Day and I have been using them now when I shop. The store clerks and some customers always have a comment to make when they see me using them. I let them know I have "gone green" (even though my bags are red).

I feel very self-satisfied each time I use my reusable shopping bags and know I am making a positive impact on the environment."
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16508 Posts

Posted - Apr 17 2009 :  11:32:36 AM  Show Profile
Merry Amann #536 has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Aprons badge!

"I made a half-apron from a pattern.

This was the first time I ever used those tissue paper patterns, and it was a learning experience. First off, all those triangles and little circles mean something! But, I did get the apron sewn as it was supposed to be, and I was able to use some vintage eyelet that I had purchased while at a stitching class in Liberty, MO. This turned out very cute, and has made me confident that I can sew from a simple pattern.

It took me 3 hours to complete the apron."

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 17 2009 :  12:32:45 PM  Show Profile
Merry Amann #536 has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge!

"I used recycled shopping bags when I grocery shop.

First I purchased my initial set of bags, although they were made out of recycled materials, I realized that I should have made them. So as the purchased bags wear out, I will replace them with ones I made. I feel good using my bags instead of plastic ones — every little bit helps."

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 17 2009 :  1:14:16 PM  Show Profile
Merry Amann #536 has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Buttoned Up badge!

"Made a button bracelet and wore it.

I used most of my favorite buttons and made a bracelet. I wasn't sure how it would turn out, but it's cute! I haven't been out of the house since I made it, so I have just been wearing it around the house and admiring it often. Happy I did this!"

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 17 2009 :  2:01:48 PM  Show Profile
Merry Amann #536 has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Knitting badge!

"Knitted a patterned dishcloth and taught a friend how to knit.

I taught myself to knit last year. I just couldn't for some reason get the hang of casting on. I would lay in bed while my husband was sleeping and try and try until one night I tossed it aside in frustration. I remember waking up the next morning and without thinking reaching for my yarn and needles and somehow my brain and subconscious worked out casting on while I slept!

I have knit scarves, but I have never tried a dishcloth with a pattern, so I got my book out and went to work.

I taught my long-suffering best friend Mary how to knit. She picked it up a lot easier than I did! She can now knit simple dishcloths."

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16508 Posts

Posted - Apr 20 2009 :  11:30:12 AM  Show Profile
Tasha-Rose Mirick #88 has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge!

"I actually have 12 bags that go along every time I shop. I have taken to making them now, too, and gifting them to people I know. I add yo-yos to them to fancy them up a little, too.

If I forget a bag of my own, the baggers at my local market are at a loss and aren't sure what to do, as they have become so use to me bringing my own bags.

I've saved lots of space in my pantry that might be taken up otherwise by plastic or paper bags!"
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