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Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!: Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
16470 Posts |
Posted - May 14 2012 : 12:51:58 PM
CJ Armstrong, (Ceejay48 #665) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a beginner, intermediate and expert level Wild Game badge.
"I am submitting this application for all THREE levels of the WILD GAME Merit badges: Beginner, Intermediate and Expert levels.
BEGINNER: Because I live in the same area where I was raised and because I grew up in a “hunting” family I’m very familiar with the different types of wild game specific to our area. Included are elk, deer, bear, rabbit, and several types of water fowl. And, we also learned how to process, butcher and handle the meat as well as have a complete understanding and knowledge of the laws in our area. We always obtained the materials from our local Dept. of Game and Fish, including applications for hunting licenses.
INTERMEDIATE: As described in “WOMEN-AT-ARMS” I have completed hunter safety courses and have also learned how to shoot a bow properly and safely. My husband is an expert hunter and “navigator” in the wild and we go hunting together. We have also made a lot of jerky and sausage from the elk and deer meat with recipes that I have used for many years, which include about three different “flavors” (i.e. Spicy, smoked, onion/garlic)
EXPERT: Licenses have been purchased and my husband and I have gone hunting together. Because we are both experienced, and have done this for many years, both of us growing up in hunting families we DO know and DO practice proper and safe field processing. We do our own processing and packaging, after the proper aging process. We also have a smoker for doing any smoking we wish to do.
Our hunting experiences have also included javelina (wild pig) and quail in Arizona. Elk is the last game animal to go in our freezer and we've learned a lot of different ways to prepare our meat.
Not only is getting the meat to eat a benefit, but the time together and time in the outdoors is such a great experience." |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - May 14 2012 : 12:54:18 PM
CJ Armstrong, (Ceejay48 #665) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a beginner, intermediate and expert level Rocks and Minerals badge.
"I am submitting this application for all THREE levels of the ROCKS and MINERALS Merit Badges: Beginning, Intermediate and Expert.
BEGINNER: The basic difference between Rocks and Minerals - a mineral is a solid formation with unique chemical composition; a rock is a combination of more than one minerals and is classified according to the process of its formation, both occur naturally. Three type of rocks are: igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. It's very interesting to study the different ones and their characteristics. There is very little in our lives that does NOT include the use of rocks and minerals. They are in things we manufacture, things we eat . . . just about everything! INTERMEDIATE: I have visited the local museum at our library which is a very limited selection of local rocks/minerals. In one of our favorite towns for a “getaway”, which is also a mining town, we have visited the “rock” store which also has displays of rocks and gemstones. My husband has been a rockhound since I’ve known him and makes jewelry from natural stones. Our ENTIRE family has been gifted with a piece of his jewelry with a description of the stone featured in it. We also have our own collection at our house, some of the rocks/minerals are in the rough, nature state and some have been cut and polished.
EXPERT: Rockhounds we are . . have been for decades! And we have a collection that far exceeds the number of 10! There is extensive notation about all the items we have in our collection and, as a result of our house fire (because we had a collection there) in 1994 we can tell you which ones will survive a fire and which ones won’t (I.e. turquoise will NOT survive fire!) The photo shows a VERY SMALL portion of our total collection. Some of the pieces there include amethyst, dalmation agate, slate (from Wales) and a large variety of cut/polished stones, a fossil found locally. We have some pieces that are HUGE and live outside.
Rockhounding is just plain fun! Our eyes are always on the lookout for anything interesting. If we can't identify it we find a way to learn about it.
And, the jewelry that my husband has made is just gorgeous!!"
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
16470 Posts |
Posted - May 14 2012 : 12:55:40 PM
CJ Armstrong, (Ceejay48 #665) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an expert level Birds badge.
"I go on a birdwatching expedition every time I go on a power walk, which is daily. Because I live in the country and walk around on the canal bank behind our property I'm able to see a lot of different game and birds.
And, just this spring, I've been enjoying all kinds of water fowl which includes: - Blue Heron - Mallard ducks - Canada Geese
I've also been able to enjoy watching raptors, which include: - Bald Eagle - Redtail Hawk
There are also the: - big black vultures (yes, they interest me and I appreciate the work they do) - magpies (they are just plain entertaining) - flickers and woodpeckers (gives me a headache just watching them) - house wrens (as they build their little house in our big Colorado blue spruce tree) - taningers and hummingbirds - they LOVE my flowers and are always such a pleasure to watch, and are beautiful - robins
Birds are God's creatures and just show His hand! We enjoy them so much and that also includes listening to their songs or "racket". For example: eagles have a unique "whistle-song"; magpies just make crazy racket!
What fun! We do have photographs of many of the birds but they are not available for digital uploads." |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
16470 Posts |
Posted - May 16 2012 : 2:50:20 PM
Ruth Ann Kutemeier, (Ruthie Ann #4072) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Crochet badge.
"I attended the library crochet meeting on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday to work on my dish cloth. After 2 meetings I completed a pink dishcloth. I invited my friend JoEllen to come and I taught her how to make a dishcloth.
I feel my dish cloth turned out good. I'm giving it to my dear daughter for her new apartment." |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - May 16 2012 : 2:52:18 PM
Paula Black, (Sheepless in Seattle #2953) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an intermediate level Get It Together badge.
"My kitchen was pretty complete, but I did want to add a dehydrator, an electric can opener and to get the barbeque that I inherited from my Dad in working order.
So, the week after I made a list of my needs, I found a dehydrator at a garage sale - YAY! My son bought me an electric can opener for Christmas - HO HO HO! And just last week I cleaned up the grills, replaced the propane tank and barbequed hamburgers and salmon for the first time. It always scares me to work with anything that is potentially explosive, but I did it and the burgers were delicious." |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - May 16 2012 : 2:53:40 PM
Amanda Henning, (mamahenn #2492) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Quilting badge.
"For my intermediate quilting badge, I decided to mix embroidery and quilting to make a baby blanket for my friend. I started to hand embroider animals just before Christmas and didn't finish them all until March! Then I cut strips of fabric to create borders around the animals and to use as borders for the quilt. This is the first time I have made a quilt without a pattern, made a binding on a quilt and also the first time I have quilted my own quilt! I have also joined a sewing group at my local quilt shop called pioneer women sewing circle. I am able to go and quilt in the company of friends and learn about the history of quilts.
I love this quilt! I was so happy to give it to my friend for her baby. I know they will love it. It took a lot of time to do but I think it came out beautiful!"
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - May 16 2012 : 2:56:24 PM
Amanda Henning, (mamahenn #2492) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Let's Get Physical badge.
"After getting our family picture done around Christmas time, I decided it was high time to work on my weight loss goals. I tried several diets but I could never stick to them. So, I enlisted the help of Weight Watchers. I tracked everything I ate and all of my exercise for two months.
I started Weight Watchers online and in two months I lost 12 pounds! I went from a size 16 to a 12, and I feel great! I am no longer paying for Weight Watchers but the program has reminded me how to eat right and include exercise in my daily life." |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - May 16 2012 : 3:05:35 PM
Katie Kelsch, (#4066) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Cross-Stitch badge.
"For my sister's house warming present, for some reason, I decided to cross stitch her a quote and image from her favorite book - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It was my first cross stitch, and I decided to go big, again for some unknown reason.
It turned out amazing! My brother-in-law is happy, because now he doesn't have to get it as a tattoo. My mom is impressed and think I must have inherited cross stitching from my aunt."
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - May 16 2012 : 3:18:13 PM
Emily Hack, (alterationsbyemily #2951) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an expert level Icing on the Cake badge.
"I donated 4 cakes to my church’s cake auction for the Youth to go to New Orleans. Two cheesecakes and 2 of my specialty cheesecakes with a chocolate cake layer on top of that with a peanut butter filling, all covered in butter cream. I then decorated both. The mardi gras cake I decided to make a lighted mask using battery operated LED lights poking out of a rice crispy treat form, that I decorated in butter cream. I then did the other butter cream cake with simple lilac flowers on the top and vines around the sides.
It turned out wonderful for the kids. Each cheese cake went for $32, the mask cake went for $46 and the Lilac cake went for $60. For a total of $170 raised with my cakes."
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - May 16 2012 : 3:20:26 PM
Emily Hack, (alterationsbyemily #2951) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a beginner level Knotty Farmgirls badge.
"To earn this badge I watched youtube videos on how to make each of the three knots. I was then able to practice on some nylon rope at home. Three uses of a square knot are Surgical sutures, in making beaded jewelry, and in sailing, tying to similar sized lines together. The two half hitches knot can be used for attaching a line to a pole, such as a clothesline, hammock to a tree and securing tent guy lines to pegs. The bowline knot could be used for lifting someone during a rescue situation, in boating when the load is constant, and you can bind two ropes together securely by tying two bowlines together. After my Knotting lesson, I then went to hang my daughter’s new swing in the front yard on a tree branch.
My daughter loves her new swing and it is great to know how to make these knots for when we are camping and might get into a sticky situation." |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
16470 Posts |
Posted - May 16 2012 : 4:31:58 PM
Elizabeth Taylor, (leilaht #1932) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Sew Wonderful badge.
"I sewed some reusable produce bags from old sheer curtains. I hate using those silly plastic bags for produce. I saw the idea online. I have sheers that were in the house when we moved in. I don't use them for curtains, so I figured they would be perfect for learning flat fell and french seams.
The seams are perfect. The bags work wonderfully, but I don't like the designs I painted on them. I used paint markers and they ran. I'll use stamps next time."
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - May 21 2012 : 10:09:08 AM
Tami Linamen, (#4029) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning an intermediate level Let's Get Physical badge.
"Since beginning dance class I have watched what I ate. Since joining the farmgirl sisterhood I have made sure it is organic. I pay attention to the labels. I eat a lot more salads and fresh fruit.
I do not think I have dropped a lot of weight, but I put on a pair of crop pants I wore last summer and they slid right down off my hips. I had to put on a belt. That was a great feeling." |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - May 21 2012 : 10:10:31 AM
Tami Linamen, (#4029) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a beginner level First Aid badge.
" I already had first-aid kits in our cars and kitchen/bathroom. I did go thru and refill and update each kit. I also keep a kit with my Girl Scout bag and checked it. My smoke detectors are checked twice a year. I do that when we change the clocks.
I am glad I checked the kits, some of the salves were out of date and almost every kit needed band-aids." |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - May 21 2012 : 10:11:30 AM
Tami Linamen, (#4029) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Sew Wonderful badge.
"I already had a sewing kit. My very first kit came from my parents when I left for college. I have had to get a bigger kit over the years.
A nice stroll down memory lane. Some of the items were from that very first sewing kit."
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - May 21 2012 : 10:12:18 AM
Tami Linamen, (#4029) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Sew Wonderful badge.
"I learned to sew at a young age. My grandmother taught me. I am by no means an expert seamstress but I can get by. I also took home ec class when you learned to sew and you had a fashion show at the end of the year.
Well it went pretty good. All the garments I made, I wore for quite a while."
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - May 21 2012 : 10:12:59 AM
Tami Linamen, (#4029) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Scrapbooking badge.
"In my scrapbooks I love to add programs, tickets, flowers, ribbons, cards, cutouts, etc. My father's family had already passed away before my kids were born. I gathered old photos of them and their farm. I put all in a scrapbook. I journaled some of my memories and some of the ones from my dad. Hopefully some day my kids will appreciate it. I shared my scrap books with fellow farm girls Anita and Karrie.
This was a helpful project for me. My father passed away in September and it helped me in my grieving process." |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - May 21 2012 : 11:01:07 AM
Deborah Meyer, (Country Girl Forever #4099) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Backyard Farmer badge.
"I started out with 5 Production Red hens and 5 Black Sex Link hens that I purchased as chicks in April of 2011. They started laying that Sept. I sell the eggs that we do not use to co-workers who love the fresh farm egg taste. I have always had a waiting list of egg buyers so this past February I bought 5 California White and 5 Barred Rock pullets. I also purchased 8 Turken pullets this past March to increase my flock and egg production.
My flock is allowed to free range during the day. There is nothing like fresh egg. This also keeps the tick and bug population down in my yard and garden." |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - May 21 2012 : 11:09:00 AM
Deborah Meyer, (Country Girl Forever #4099) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Water Conservation badge.
"I earned this merit badge by using a rainbarrel to catch water when it rains, turning off the faucet while brushing my teeth, and draining water into a bucket when I drain cooked food such as maccaroni, potatoes, and vegetables. I also put a small 1/2 brick inside my toilet tank to make the tank fill up with less water.
The water from the rainbarrel and the cooked food is used to water my plant I have planted in my yard." |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - May 21 2012 : 11:09:43 AM
Deborah Meyer, (Country Girl Forever #4099) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Civic Heritage badge.
"I went and explored the Civil War Museum in Carthage, Missouri. This is the town closest to where I live. The museum is small but has many artifacts and pictures related to the Civil War that our town was a part of on July 5, 1861.
While touring the museum I realized how hard things were for the residents of the area. During this time, Missouri was a torn state. There were supporters for both the Union and the Confederate troups. Many times relatives were against relatives, even brothers against brothers. Everyone had to choose a side knowing that their neighbor or family might be on the opposite." |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - May 21 2012 : 11:10:36 AM
Deborah Meyer, (Country Girl Forever #4099) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Get It Together badge.
"I went through my cabinets and matched up my bowls with their lids. I disposed of all bowls and lids that did not have mates.
My cabinets are neater and now I do not have to hunt to find lids for my bowls." |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - May 21 2012 : 11:11:27 AM
Deborah Meyer, (Country Girl Forever #4099) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an intermediate level Civic Heritage badge.
"I did my research on Lucy Hood. Lucy was born in Tennessee on April 13, 1844. She moved with her parents and siblings to Missouri. Lucy and her sisters sewed a flag and she wore it among her petticoats. It is told that she greeted the Union soldiers when they came to town on July 4, 1861 by removing the flag and waving it for the soldiers to see even though she was worried that a southerner would see and report her. The following day was one of the first Civil War battles, Battle of Carthage, in which 48 were killed, 156 wounded and the courthouse shelled by Confederate artillery.
Lucy was known as a patriot because of her interest in the affairs of the state and nation. Lucy along with her father took the Jasper County records to Kansas and buried them to keep them safe. They later returned them to Missouri. Lucy died on Aug. 7, 1921 and is buried in Park Cemetery in Carthage, Missouri." |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - May 21 2012 : 12:39:30 PM
Marie Westphal, (starbright #2732) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Self-sufficiency badge.
"I dried herbs that I grow in my garden/flowerbeds: basil [there’s no such thing as too much basil!], mint, oregano, chives, sage, thyme, mullein flowers, lavender, rose petals, rosemary, and for the first time, parsley. I read of spice blends and have since mixed my own. I even discovered that these are sold in “grinders”. My goal is to buy another pepper grinder but put my own spice blend in it. I am making gift sets for next Christmas; spice rubs, BBQ rubs, and other things like herbal oils and bath salts.
Great! I used my antique pie cupboard, it is great for drying. Although I just bought a dehydrator, I think I will continue to use the old, antique pie cupboard for my leafy herbs as it does a tremendous job and the smell when I open it is wonderful. I learned to take more care with them; I find that I prefer to pick the leaves off the basil and dry just the leaves [thyme and oregano, too] rather than the whole stem. This gives me a premium crop! I had never mixed homegrown spices/herbs! Never thought of it, but it is great and could be a time saver. I am also picking up cheap baskets at yard sales to put the gift sets in. I love this picture!"
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - May 21 2012 : 12:43:49 PM
Marie Westphal, (starbright #2732) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Bustin' Out badge.
"I read that one of the most important foods to eat organically is carrots; so I switched. Next it was all the hormones and additives in milk; switched. Through healthy eating I’ve learned to love avocados and when I saw organic was only a little higher than non-organic; switched. Next came potatoes and onions, then carrots.
This has turned out great in a two-fold way. First, I love eating organically; it makes me feel so natural! Second, it has reminded me of how I grew up organically and didn’t even realize it! [My father encouraged the birds with birdhouses around the garden and picked larva and worms, etc by hand and dropped them in a coffee can.]"
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - May 21 2012 : 12:45:16 PM
Marie Westphal, (starbright #2732) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Sew Wonderful badge.
"My daughter and granddaughter and I were in Hancock’s Fabrics and my daughter saw these small sewing boxes. I decided to put one together for my granddaugher for this badge, making her a little wristlet pin cushion.
Millie loved the sewing items and loves to try to sew. Now she has a sewing basket like mamma and grandma. The pin cushion/wristlet is made from 4-H fabric [my kids were big in 4-H]. Actually it turned out a little rough [ha]. I want to make another one like the mice you see but make it a porcupine. I think I can just make it like the mouse but brown, fatter, and with a stubby tail. We shall see.... "
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - May 21 2012 : 12:46:04 PM
Marie Westphal, (starbright #2732) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level In the Garden badge.
"I made a teepee from bamboo poles that I found out in the garage [and some twine]. I also made a trellis that connected other vines with the fence out of the twine.
Well, the teepee was a little shaky at first, but held steady all summer/fall. [So did the 'twine trellis'.] Since I grow bush beans, I used it for my morning glories; they loved it! I made the teepee in a whiskey barrel." |
Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!: Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees |