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Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!: Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
16470 Posts |
Posted - May 21 2012 : 12:49:29 PM
Marie Westphal, (starbright #2732) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Backyard Farmer badge.
"I started getting farm-fresh eggs from a guy at work and they are wonderful! Big brown ones like I used to get from my chickens!
Nothing taste like a fresh egg. I realize just how much I miss my chickens! As a child I gathered and cleaned and sold our eggs, and also as a young married housewife [I bought my striking clock with egg money] I haven’t owned chickens now for 12 years :( Maybe someday I can once again have some soft, friendly, feathered, singing egg layers! But for now? When one supply runs low, I simply look for another; it’s “real” eggs all the way for me! " |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
16470 Posts |
Posted - May 21 2012 : 12:50:24 PM
Marie Westphal, (starbright #2732) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Let's Get Physical badge.
"I actually did the “reshape yourself” program through the agriculture extension service. It is about starting with parking the farthest distances instead of prowling for the closest everywhere I go and just making healthy choices when picking foods to eat.
Interesting. I did not lose a single pound for 4 months [Apr-July 2011], but I felt good about myself. Around August, I finally started losing little by little." |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
16470 Posts |
Posted - May 21 2012 : 12:51:31 PM
Marie Westphal, (starbright #2732) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level The Secret Life of Bees badge.
"I ordered Vanishing Bees from Netflix and watched it and bought the book The Secret Life of Bees.
Wow, I was very impressed with the film Vanishing Bees! Everyone needs to watch this movie! I think one of the parts that stood out the most to me was the part where the bees get ‘drunk’ and disoriented after pollinating plants that pesticides were on. It makes perfect sense! How sad! How scary! This spring I have made a “bee and butterfly flower garden” near my back door [they love blue basil]. I had my son get a large “sitting rock” from my daughter’s place and put it in my flower garden so I can sit and meditate while enjoying the flowers, bees, butterflies, smell and sound!"
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
16470 Posts |
Posted - May 21 2012 : 1:00:59 PM
Marie Westphal, (starbright #2732) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level What's Your Beef? badge.
"I spent extensive time reading this website. A lot of it I already knew. One of my students wrote a research paper on feedlot abuse.
I liked the website. I was amazed at the mouse picture; fat vs. thin just on what they were fed… and for 4 generations. How much fatter will the mouse from two more generations be? How feed lots treat animals and how they slaughter has bothered me most of my life. But I always heard that if you wanted to eat meat, it was just something you had to put up with. When I was younger we raised our own beef, but that has been impossible my married life. Now I would rather only have meat once a week and buy meat from grass-fed, humanely-treated animals if at all possible. When I look at the price tag I will now envision: $8 meat – “the feedlot” picture. $12 meat – “grass-fed humanely-treated animals” picture and make the “right” choice."
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
16470 Posts |
Posted - May 21 2012 : 1:03:16 PM
Marie Westphal, (starbright #2732) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Buttoned Up badge.
"I collect buttons from old clothes that we are no longer going to wear or that wear out. Before sending them to the rag bag, I snip off the buttons and put them in my jar.
This not only saves money [Oh yes, I use these buttons!] but my granddaughter has fun going through “grandma’s button jar” and helping pick out buttons for things or just playing. An added bonus: this jar used to have wonderful smelling bath salts in it and the aroma has stuck around. It is heavenly to open this jar and dig through buttons [and the buttons absorb the scent]."
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
16470 Posts |
Posted - May 21 2012 : 1:04:11 PM
Marie Westphal, (starbright #2732) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Aprons badge.
"I made a half-apron that I desperately wanted and needed; a clothespin apron! I haven’t had a clothespin apron in 12 years and I missed having one. Since I sew every chance I get, I had to make it more challenging. Since I am learning to sew on my ‘new’ treadle machine, I decided to make my apron on my treadle.
Wonderful! I am so excited to finally have a clothespin apron once again! I chose fabric with a retro print. It has patterns from the 1950’s on it. My mother used some of these very patterns for my sisters [and, eventually, me] and I still have them, so even the fabric was extra special!"
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
16470 Posts |
Posted - May 21 2012 : 1:05:24 PM
Marie Westphal, (starbright #2732) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an intermediate level Shopping Green badge.
"I have researched many different types of natural cleaning supplies. There have been articles on homemade non-toxic cleaners in several of the magazines I subscribe to.
This is my laundry soap; it is all I use. I also make my own fabric softened from white vinegar and herbal oils; I use lavender, geranium, rose, and bergamot, yum! I had recently bought a cleanser made from all natural ingredients, but when it is gone, I am making my own!"
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
16470 Posts |
Posted - May 21 2012 : 1:07:30 PM
Marie Westphal, (starbright #2732) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an intermediate level Bustin' Out badge.
"I have been buying organically every chance I get for about 5 months now.
My daughter works at a health food store, The Squash Blossom, and I had some produce from my own garden. I also check out the farmer’s market by Squash Blossom, [and our Wal-Mart sometimes has a section of “locally grown”.]" |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - May 21 2012 : 1:08:59 PM
Marie Westphal, (starbright #2732) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Aprons badge.
"I made full-size aprons for Christmas!
I ended up making a total of 5: for my mother-in-law, 3 daughters, and 1 granddaughter! This is a picture of the Christmasy ones for my granddaughter and 2 of my daughters. The other 2 were sunflowers and roosters!"
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
16470 Posts |
Posted - May 21 2012 : 1:10:40 PM
Marie Westphal, (starbright #2732) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Sew Wonderful badge.
"I learned to sew different seams… on my treadle! Also, as much as I sew, I rarely use French seams and hadn’t used them in 20 years.
Wow, this treadle has gadgets that come with it that I have not had time to figure out yet. It is on my To Do list this coming summer, when I am only working one job! I absolutely love the stitches this treadle makes. They are so tight I dare say the fabric will tear before the seam comes out. I also realized I should use the French seam more often than I do. I used it on a bed scarf I made."
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
16470 Posts |
Posted - May 21 2012 : 1:11:49 PM
Marie Westphal, (starbright #2732) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning an intermediate level Let's Get Physical badge.
"I continued to choose organic foods as much as possible, was very aware of portion control [also from the reshape yourself program] and started swimming 3 times a week.
I felt good about myself and the swimming made me stronger. I notice as time goes by, though, that it is sooo easy to increase those portions….. Portion control looks to be such an easy thing, but we live in a society that does not encourage portion control! By the way, I am still working on this; it will be an ongoing goal." |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
16470 Posts |
Posted - May 21 2012 : 1:14:39 PM
Marie Westphal, (starbright #2732) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an intermediate level Backyard Farmer badge.
"I already know how to milk a cow, but I helped my 6 yr old granddaughter milk one for the first time at a milking demonstration.
She thought it was really fun. Sadly, I did not get a picture of it [I was busy!] However, her family recently moved and now have a couple of cows so maybe someday I can show her more. Also: I also just bought chicks for their new farm; 10 Buff Orpingtons, 10 Rhode Island Reds, 10 Barred Plymoth Rocks, and 6 Araucanas! All heritage breeds!"
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
16470 Posts |
Posted - May 21 2012 : 1:23:58 PM
Marie Westphal, (starbright #2732) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an intermediate level The Secret Life of Bees badge.
"I read Bees: Nature’s Little Wonders and researched the difference between raw and processed honey.
Funny, I used to almost feel guilty at eating honey, that yummy, sweet stuff just can’t be good for you?! I knew local honey helped allergies; I used to get it for my daughter, but being on the 'plump' side, I tried to stay away from it myself. However, honey it is one of nature’s most healthy sweeteners and I am happy to say that along with losing weight I am eating organic and local honey. I get creamed organic honey for sandwiches and the local organic regular to sweeten teas and use in cooking. I also buy organic/local honey for my sister who has been in bad health for years. I must tell you, she has fought an ulcer for years. She has been eating organic honey that I buy for her and last month the doctors said her ulcer was gone! Did the honey heal it? I can’t say for sure, but I believe at least it helped. I have sent a picture of my “herbal honey”. I made my own lavender, lemon verbena, and cinnamon basil honey from organic honey I bought and my own dried herbs. Boy, were they good, especially the cinnamon basil honey! It is the one on the right. I have orders for jars of it when my cinnamon basil gets big enough for me to start harvesting it again this summer! Oops, can't load the pic of the herbal honey so I'm sending one of the organic I buy."
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
16470 Posts |
Posted - May 21 2012 : 1:25:14 PM
Marie Westphal, (starbright #2732) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an expert level Bustin' Out badge.
"Done! I have been conscientiously buying organic when possible for about 8 months now.
I am very happy to say that buying organically is now a habit! When I need something, organic is the first thing I look for and usually what I buy, unless money is really an option. Now that spring is here, I am planting my garden and anxiously awaiting the opening of the local farmers’ markets!"
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
16470 Posts |
Posted - May 24 2012 : 11:27:51 AM
Ruth Ann Kutemeier, (Ruthie218 #4072) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.
"I have earned this badge by taking my reuseable bags when I go shopping. I have bags from Jc Penny's, Jo Ann Fabrics, Walgreens, Dollar General, Menards and Aldi's. Along with a variety of cloth bags I have collected and have been using for years.
I feel taking my reuseable bags has turned out well. I enjoy picking which bags I will take for what shopping trips." |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
16470 Posts |
Posted - May 24 2012 : 11:35:03 AM
Ruth Ann Kutemeier, (Ruthie218 #4072) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an intermediate level Shopping Green badge.
"I earned this badge by making my own all-purpose cleaner and window cleaner. As well as powdered laundry soap, which I have been making for several years now.
I had to make some adjustments to the recipe of the powdered laundry soap. The fels naptha caused my skin to break out. So instead I added ivory soap. All worked out well." |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - May 24 2012 : 12:33:56 PM
Kerri Arthur, (klarthur #4122) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Aprons badge.
"Hi! Today I stitched up my new half apron! A super cute vintage style. I completed it in just under 3 hours.
It turned out great! I LOVE IT! I wore it all evening (actually still wearing it) and I can't wait to put it on again tomorrow.
I have also started collecting apron patterns. This can be addictive! I am looking forward to having a whole apron wardrobe!" |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - May 24 2012 : 12:39:44 PM
Barbara Roberts, (Healthy Eating #2237) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an expert level Quilting badge.
"The three new techniques I learned were Bargello, tufting and sewing around patterns that were on the quilt to make them look 3 dimensional. I taught a class of four Farmerettes and one mother how to quilt and had them make doll-sized quilts.
Their projects were quite interesting because they found a jar of buttons and wanted to put some of them on their quilts. Maybe this could be a new technique?
My project was a tote, which I needed because I have run out of room on my other two for putting badges on them. This was also a vintage project, so I had to make it using my other tote for a pattern.
I also had to scrounge up recycled batting and interfacing to use, so it took over 100 hours to do. There is a picture of it under the Nellie Make Do badge. It's made from former curtains."
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - May 24 2012 : 12:43:20 PM
Sharon Schrader, (#4109) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.
"I have collected six reusable bags from my favorite craft, fabric and grocery stores.
I use them everytime I go shopping even in stores other than the ones I have bags for." |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - May 24 2012 : 12:44:11 PM
Sharon Schrader, (#4109) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Backyard Farmer badge.
"I started my flock of chickens so I could enjoy farm-fresh eggs. I feed my leftover vegetable scraps along with free range grazing.
I love watching them and the eggs are an extra bonus." |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
16470 Posts |
Posted - May 24 2012 : 12:45:43 PM
Sarah Houlihan, (houligan19 #3828) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an intermediate level Shopping Green badge.
"I did some research on how to clean without toxic cleaners.
I chose to try homemade laundry detergent as my first safe product. I love it and have enough to last many months." |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
16470 Posts |
Posted - May 24 2012 : 12:46:57 PM
Sarah Houlihan, (houligan19 #3828) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an intermediate level Farmgirl Grammar badge.
"I read "Woe is I" and posted on the chat forum.
I had a little bit of a hard time reading the book. I found it to be more of a text book than for fun. It did have a lot of great information in it though. I had a great time looking through the forums and starting to talk with some of the other members. It's always nice to find others who have the same things to talk about as you." |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
16470 Posts |
Posted - May 24 2012 : 12:48:19 PM
Kerri Arthur, (klarthur #4122) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Buttoned Up badge.
"I went around my house and collected all the loose buttons from jewelry boxes, junk drawers and misc. places and put them in a jar.
That gave me about 15 buttons.
I then got a bag of misc buttons from a garage sale, (too many to count)
I also, in preparation of the intermediate level of this badge and just cause it was fun, purchased some vintage buttons off of Etsy.
So all were not found per se but none are bought new.
It turned out great! I collect old ball jars so now I have a big ball jar full of buttons for crafting or repairs.
I love dumping them out and checking out all the different materials they are made from.
I will have to keep my eyes peeled at garage sales and thrift marts for old buttons."
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
16470 Posts |
Posted - May 24 2012 : 12:49:42 PM
Winifred Nielsen, (Red Tractor Girl #3109) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Farmgirl Grammar badge.
"I purchased a desk dictionary and looked up a new word beginning April 16-May 13, 2012. In a journal, each word was defined and then written in a sentence using the word. In addition, I made sure that I did not use slang or text message language for the 2 weeks. Since then, I have been looking up words as I answer personal emails and have learned new words or proper spelling in addition to the badge requirements. Purchasing a dictionary to have beside my keyboard has been a key way for me to improve my spelling!
I really enjoyed the badge requirements as it focused me and I learned so many new words! This is a very good idea for everyone to try!!"
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - May 24 2012 : 12:55:12 PM
Winifred Nielsen, (Red Tractor Girl #3109) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an intermediate level Farmgirl Grammar badge.
"I post often on the Connection but for purposes of this badge, I logged 10 posts between 4/29/2012-5/12/2012 where I carefully wrote comments using good grammar and spelling. I was unable to find the recommended book by Patricia O'Conner so I found The Scott Foresman Handbook for writers at a used book store and read through the various topics.
The intermediate level is a great review for someone who has been out of college since the early 1990s. The handbook is a wonderful reference for everything from personal letters to professional writing." |
Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!: Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees |