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Author Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!:  Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees 
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 24 2012 :  12:56:41 PM  Show Profile
Kristina Nelson, (FieldsofThyme #800) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning an expert level 'Out There' Woman badge.

"We created a basic, permanent (yet removable) fire pit for cooking outdoors.

We have also camped, caught fish, and with the help of my husband, prepared the fish.

The fire ring in the photo was created over the last two years, using stones we removed from one garden area. Each year we add more and more. This year (after I took this photo) we dug it a bit deeper.

We use it to do outdoor cooking either on a stick (have a recipe book for that too) or cooking with a tripod.

Over the years, we've put the easy-up tent up next to it, and created a fun cook out for several occasions."

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 24 2012 :  12:59:43 PM  Show Profile
Jeanna Morgan, (jeanna #41) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Farmgirl Shutterbugs badge.

"When studying the different aspect of photography some of the language can be over your head. Two sources I found to help me was The basic Book of Photography by Tom Grimm and Michele Grimm and a website called . There was a great article on Shutter Speed, Aperture (F-stop), ISO by John H. Siskin. He explained by using an analogy of a faucet and a bucket and it really made it so much clearer for me. If I need to write a description of each if needed. Here are the pictures I took of some of the ways I live the farmgirl life.

I learned a lot about photography and am going to study more. I own a good SLR camera and so-so digital. I hope to one day own a combo of both and maybe even take my photography from just a hobby to something more."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 24 2012 :  1:00:57 PM  Show Profile
Jeanna Morgan, (jeanna #41) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.

"Collected reusable shopping bags

I have been using reusable shopping bags for many years. I have forgotten them on occasion. But I will commit to making sure they are in my car to be used from now on by putting them back after I unload them."

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 24 2012 :  1:06:18 PM  Show Profile
Jeanna Morgan, (jeanna #41) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an intermediate level Shopping Green badge.

"Cleaning my home naturally has been a goal of mine for some time. I have made my own laundry soap for over 5 years now. My recipe is one that is found online in many places. I take 1 bar zote or fels napa soap, 1 cup of washing soda, and 1 cup borax. I grate the soap in a pan with about 2 cups water. Once melted I add the washing soda and borax and mix. I then pour it into a five gallon bucket that I already have about 1/3 full of hot water. I then finish filling up the bucket with cold water and stir. It thickens overnight. I use roughly ½ cup per load. I have always had good luck with it.
Some of my other homemade cleaners are
Basic Wood Cleaning
¼ cup white vinegar
¼ cup water
½ tsp liquid soap
A few drops of jojoba or olive oil.
This is for a small amount. You can make more if you are cleaning cabinets or such. Just combine ingredients in a bowl and use.
Soft Scrubber
½ cup baking soda
Enough liquid soap to make a frosting like consistency
Add 5-10 drops antibacterial essential oil such as Tea tree or Lavender.
Place the baking soda in a bowl; slowly pour in soap, stirring all the while, until the consistency is right. Add essential oil.
Scoop the mixture onto a sponge, wash the surface, and then rinse.
I have yet to make a window cleaner that I am totally satisfied with. I use either Green works or Method. I am still trying to make my own though.

Love the way my house smells when I finish cleaning. It also gives me a sense of accomplishment knowing I have took care of my family. "
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 24 2012 :  1:07:28 PM  Show Profile
Jeanna Morgan, (jeanna #41) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Water Conservation badge.

"I checked all the faucets in the house and found no leaks. I then found out I could not put in plastic bottles in our toilets as they are the low flow kind.

Some of the other ways I found out I could conserve water was to take shorter showers which my husband and I already do so I couldn't really save any water that way.
Another way I found was to catch water in my kitchen while I was waiting on the water to warm. I found that I do save quite a bit of water by doing this.
Another thing is to cut off the water while I brush my teeth. I already do this also.
Not using a garbage disposal. Mine went out about 6 months ago and we decided not to replace it then.

There are other ways to conserve water but these are just a few of the ways.

I found that my just catching the water when I am waiting on the water to get warm I saved 5 gallons in just one week. When you figure that out over the year and it ends up being a savings of 260 gallons. I will keep doing this as part of my routine."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 24 2012 :  1:09:07 PM  Show Profile
Jeanna Morgan, (jeanna #41) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Get It Together badge.

"I went through all my containers in my cabinets.

I ended up throwing out 4 lids from bowls I no longer had. I also threw away 2 bowls that I could not find the lids for. I was able to recycle 1 bowl and 2 lids. Our recycling center only recycles number 1 and 2. I do not have any pictures of the ones I threw out and recyclables and garbage got taken away today."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 24 2012 :  1:11:37 PM  Show Profile
Jeanna Morgan, (jeanna #41) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an intermediate level Get It Together badge.

"Making a needs list for a fully working kitchen.

I am very blessed to have a very complete kitchen. I have always cooked a lot from scratch, canned, made bread, etc. So after 26 years of marriage I have a very good set up. If I had to make a list of things I am in need/want of it would only be a grain mill, about 7 dozen more canning jars, and some tattler reusable lids. That is really all I truly need. I have a Kitchen aid mixer and food processor, juicer, blender, crock pots, dishes including an extensive set of Fire King peach luster, good heavy pots and pans, cast iron frying pans, chicken fryer, and Dutch ovens. I have been decluttering for some months and have given away three boxes of odds and ends from the kitchen to our local Goodwill. Again all I can say is I am very blessed."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 24 2012 :  1:12:48 PM  Show Profile
Amanda VanDusen, (AmandaVanDusen #4117) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Recipes badge.

"I sent out a message on Facebook to all my family members asking them to email me their favorite family recipes. I also visited with my Grandma and asked her in person for recipes.

I had a good response. Several family members sent me their recipes. It was nice because I got some from my Dad's side, Mom's side, my inlaws, and cousins. I'm looking forward to completing the next level and compiling them together."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 24 2012 :  1:14:09 PM  Show Profile
Sherrill Roy, (baabonnybelle #4153) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Buttoned Up badge.

"For years I have collected buttons, some passed down from my family, others taken from worn clothes, and some from buttons that were leftover from a sewing or knitting project I was working on.

I keep these buttons in two old Ball blue glass canning jars, with the original ceramic and metal screw tops. The jars are so pretty and are perfect for displaying my button collection in my craft loft.

I thought I would separate them out by color and size and sewn to a cloth roll. But I decided I would miss being able have the buttons out on display. I will stay with the blue glass jars.

I counted over 300 buttons so far.
One jar alone held around 150 buttons, ranging in size from very tiny to very large.

I have plans for these buttons. A hand sewn baby dress or a simple hand knit cardigan, I will not have far to go to find the perfect button."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 24 2012 :  4:55:26 PM  Show Profile
Joan Nordquist, (Simple Living #3842) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Farmgirl Gratitude badge.

"Keeping a gratitude journal for the past 4 weeks has helped me to appreciate everyday more and more. I handmade my journal from leftover scrap paper and embroidery floss with a button I found lying around the draw. I started reading my entry each night to my family to show them how I appreciate what we have!

This book "The Book of Awesome" actually was better than I anticipated. I have to say my favorite chapter was "The Man Couch". lol - I even had my DH reading that Chapter. I laughed at that one! I would recommend this book to everyone. Good job MaryJane for picking it.

It turned out exactly as I pictured it. Now I am making two more for my daughters. One daughter is expecting a baby for the first time (yayee) and my other daughter is a teacher."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 29 2012 :  1:00:06 PM  Show Profile
Kerri Arthur, (klarthur #4122) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Buttoned Up badge.

"I made a button bracelet from vintage shell buttons and leather cord.

I love my new bracelet!
I wore it all day yesterday and plan on wearing it tonight to our Girl Scout banquet.

Thanks for the inspiration!"

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 29 2012 :  1:01:57 PM  Show Profile
Elizabeth Taylor, (leilaht #1932) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Knitting badge.

"I knit a dishcloth with an iris on it. It took me more than three hours. I knit slow. lol

I also helped one of the ladies I work with get started knitting. She made a scarf. She even has requests from family members for more.

It was too big. If I had known it was going to be so long, I would have left off the rows with the leaves."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 29 2012 :  1:04:46 PM  Show Profile
Marie Westphal, (starbright #2732) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Homespun Christmas badge.

"I made ornaments, other decorations, and MANY clothing items.

I made ornaments out of years past Christmas cards [I plan to make more next year]. I also made 4 of 5 wreaths, 2 of 3 centerpieces for table/mantle/piano, strung past Christmas cards into door frame decorations, and made a full 50% of all gifts! [5: aprons, 4: fleece blankets, 3: capes, 2: fur leggings, 2 fur purses, 2 skirts, 2 prams, 2 gowns, 2 pajamas,2 placemats, and 1: jacket and vest!] WHEW "

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 29 2012 :  1:06:01 PM  Show Profile
Sherrill Roy, (baabonnybelle #4153) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Sew Wonderful badge.

"I gathered the basic supplies from around my home plus a few more.

I chose a dark and light thread, buttons (held on a safety pin), sewing needles, scissors, seam ripper, and a thimble.

I used one of my favorite canning jars with some scrap fabric.

The inside stuffing is some of my washed wool fleece. It's a Cormo breed wool and from a sheep named Ben.

I really like this sewing kit and need to make a few more to have for camping, at work, and as gifts for friends.

Using a fine breed wool for the pin cushion stuffing, though washed, is great as there is still just a touch of lanolin in the wool to help the needles slide right through the fabric when sewing or hand quilting."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 29 2012 :  1:17:40 PM  Show Profile
Paula Black, (Sheepless in Seattle #2953) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Let's Get Physical badge.

"I have tried many times to earn this badge, but always fell off the wagon, or just forgot I was on the wagon to begin with! But not this time. I lost 8 pounds this month by getting real cozy and friendly with salads and lots of veggies and some fruit and lean protein and not so friendly with potato chips and ice cream every night. I had a splurge here and there, but then went back to the healthier way of eating.

After many years, I am back in the 100's! But I've also got a ways to go. But through this, digestion is improved, baggy pants are a new sensation and I feel good eating a simpler way."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 29 2012 :  1:20:28 PM  Show Profile
Amanda VanDusen, (AmandaVanDusen #4117) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Scrapbooking badge.

"I threw my cousin a baby shower a year and a half ago. I saved the directions from her shower and turned them into scrapbook pages. Then I added the pictures and decorated with stickers.

Great! I gave it to her for her birthday this year and she loved it!"

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 29 2012 :  1:21:43 PM  Show Profile
Becky Johnson, (BeckyBoop #4159) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Forage for Food badge.

"I called the Nevada Cooperative Extension at the University of Nevada (Las Vegas) and asked what edible foods grow in our area and what is legal to forage.

I found out that we are allowed to gather 25lbs of pine nuts from public lands in the fall without requiring a permit. Also that the following foods are edible and legal to forgage: ephedra (also known as "Mormon" tea), mesquite seed pods, and wild grapes. Prickly pear cacti fruit and yucca fruit are also edible, but protected on public lands. The only way to legally gather those items is to ask home/land owners who may not be harvesting the fruit if I can harvest it.

I am pleased with the information I have learned. Most of the items will be ready to harvest in the fall and I am already making plans with some other farm sisters to gather pine nuts and prickly pear in September."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 29 2012 :  1:23:01 PM  Show Profile
April Choate, (Sonshine4u #658) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an intermediate level Lend a Hand to Farm Families badge.

"I helped a farm family pack up their house and move boxes to a storage space for a couple of days. We brought food for them for breakfast and lunch.

Because it was raining and muddy roads and what not, it was a true adventure in moving in the country. They were very thankful for the help!!! We also moved 30+ chickens from their place to our coop... more about that in the next badge! Definitely hit the 10 hour mark!"
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 29 2012 :  1:23:39 PM  Show Profile
April Choate, (Sonshine4u #658) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an expert level Lend a Hand to Farm Families badge.

"Our farm friends have been in crisis for a while and we have been helping them with their move off their property and taking care of their chickens at our place. We have had an adventure with a big flock super fast!

We are still watching their birds and learning all about collecting eggs, feeding them, and having a built in alarm clock! It's been an adventure and we are glad that we can help them out... except for the 3:30am wake-up calls when those roosters get a bit confused! Lol!
Definitely over the 20 hour mark! :)"
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 29 2012 :  1:25:37 PM  Show Profile
Thelma Adams, (Thelma #3568) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Sew Wonderful badge.

"I wanted a small, take along sewing supply roll. I wanted something soft that would not take up a lot of room in my sewing bag. I started with McCalls craft pattern #4272. Since it did not meet my needs I adjusted the pattern by adding a stuffed pin keeper. I omitted the button and buttonhole and added a decorative tie instead. I also switched out the ribbon for elastic. It stretches so I can place items under it that the ribbon would not hold in place. The elastic will also last longer. Instead of binding it with bias tape I simply layered the pieces first, turned and pressed. I didn't worry much about how the finished product looked - I just wanted a good quality piece. I then added a sewing scissor, safety and straight pin, embroidery and sewing threads, a thimble and other supplies.

I really like this sewing roll. I take my embroidery projects with me and it is just the right size for travel as well as moving my stitching to the family room so I can sew and enjoy my family at the same time. If I were to make another one I would make the pinkeeper as a tuck in instead of a permanent part of the roll."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 29 2012 :  1:26:40 PM  Show Profile
Thelma Adams, (Thelma #3568) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Aprons badge.

"A lady from my church showed me a very old apron that she made for her daughter. (This apron maker is now in her 90's). It was simply made by stitching squares together in a simple arrangement. I made the squares a square inch larger as the antique apron was made for a child. Her quilt was hemmed by hand and seems were not finished. After finishing all the seems on the reverse side I added a contrasting binding. I cut 2 1/2 " fabric and folded it in half. I then machine stitched the raw edge to the right side of the apron. I then turned it and hand stitched it to the back side (just like binding a quilt). Because of the points on the bottom I had to be careful not to stretch the binding.

I really like this apron. I wear it when company comes over. I like the contrasting colors I selected from a fabric store bundle I found in a bargain bin. I think I would like a full apron better than a half apron as it will cover more of my clothing. I am short and this half apron adds pounds around my middle."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 29 2012 :  1:27:25 PM  Show Profile
Thelma Adams, (Thelma #3568) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Crochet badge.

"I have not crocheted since I was a very little girl. A co-worker had given me a crocheted dish cloth that her mother had made. I really like using it. After the holidays I started looking for new dishcloths for my kitchen and didn't really like any I found. I decided to take up the art of crochet again. I used Mary Jane's stitching room book and followed her directions. The first one I made was too small. I switched to a larger hook and added stitches until I got the size I wanted. I used cotton yarn that was preshrunk. I used a simple single crochet. I also figured out how to go around the outside of the cloth when it was finished. It makes it look nicer.

I am happy with my dishcloths. They are nowhere close to perfect, but I made them myself and they did not fall apart when I started using them."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 29 2012 :  1:28:53 PM  Show Profile
Mary Duffel, (Madelena #3153) has received a certificate of achievement in Going Green for earning a beginner level Cleaning Up badge.

"I began by buying safe, green products from a company recommended by my daughter-in-law. With two little children and a third on the way she is trying to have a safe household. Grandma too = My Mission Statement. I have also begun making a recipe file of "home-made" green cleansers and pesticides for my garden, and collecting books with green recipes. Then when our city had it's annual recycle day, I threw out all my old cleansers.
Now my home smells and is cleaner. Thank you MaryJanesFarm !

I love the green products. I feel that they are something I can use and feel safe. I continue to research green home-made products, and companies that supply safe ones. I recently spoke to a woman who said that when her sister was diagnosed with liver cancer, the sister's doctor told her to throw out all the chemicals in her household and GO GREEN! Works for me !!"

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 01 2012 :  12:41:23 PM  Show Profile
Jessie Yonkovit, (JessieMae #134) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an expert level Safe Toys badge.

"I sewed a topsy-turvy doll using unbleached muslin and calico. One side is a black-haired, brown-eyed girl wearing a red dress, and the other side is a sleeping girl in a white-with-light-blue-polka-dots nightgown and nightcap (using a pattern from Rag Dolls and How to Make Them by Dorothea Hall). Also, I made matching aprons for my daughter Carly and her American Girl doll Molly, using Simplicity pattern 3746.

Everything turned out nicely! My daughter loves having her own apron instead of wearing one of my big ones, and her look when she saw the topsy-turvy doll was worth all the effort it took to make it! (In fact, she’s sleeping with it right now, flipped over to the sleeping side.)"

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 01 2012 :  12:42:58 PM  Show Profile
Lora Rosencrans, (FARMALLchick #358) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Civic Heritage badge.

"I went back to the town where I was born and although the museum was closed, I walked around downtown and looked at all the old buildings picturing what they looked like when my grandma lived here. I found the old newspaper office, the old movie theater, drug store with soda fountain, the old depot location, an old hardware store and some other buildings I remember my grandma talking about. I also found the Ko-We-Ba building. They made spices years ago. Now its an attorney's office.

It was interesting to look at how store fronts had changed over the years, even from when I was living there. There were lots of empty store fronts as well. That was kind of sad. Nationwide, downtowns are dwindling while strip malls and big box stores take over."
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