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A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Jan 19 2011 : 12:43:46 PM
I just needed to do something even if for the one. We are continuing to work toward building some shelters up here for families, individuals and kids. Praying that the temp would get above zero so that I can quit running the water. :)
True Blue Farmgirl
1853 Posts

1853 Posts |
Posted - Jan 19 2011 : 4:54:49 PM
evening porchies well peggyann glad to say we are not flooded i the same way yet but sorry to hear how bad it is out your way prayers for all those who lost homes..
it rained here on and off but we are about to get hit with another snow storm tomorrow night.. this sure is a cold ad snowy winter here ..most winters are ot really bad two storms and done nothing like this were looking at a back is twitching just thinking about all the make a nice pot of amaretto tea
angela good for you a new lifestyle i'm doing the same thing and really like it.though i have a bit more than 15lb !!!
tammy make a nice pot of amaretto tea goes nicely with almond biscotti..yummy well y all stay warm and dry and safe have a blessing evening deborah inch by inch we find our way jersey farmgirl #1330
True Blue Farmgirl
253 Posts
253 Posts |
Posted - Jan 19 2011 : 9:29:49 PM
wooo hooo I finally found washing soda in Southern California... Albertsons stores sell it right next to the borax. I am so excited to make up a batch of laundry soap and try it out =) I dont think I have ever been excited to do laundry |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Jan 19 2011 : 11:15:01 PM
Bren...I lol when I read that you were excited to do laundry. I don't even think making my own soap could get me excited about that...but hey girl if it works for you...You Go Girl!
Cherime...What a big heart you have. That is just awesome that you walk the talk girlfriend! 
Angela...happy your ornament came and that you liked it. You can buy those pre-cut pieces of plastic canvas like 10 for $1.49. I wanted mine to have a quilted affect so I put two together. Or you can go to the work of cutting them out yourself. I got mine at Joanne Fabrics if you are interested.
Deborah...Amaretto Tea sounds good too. I have to try another of my new teas tonight while I read.
I had a coffee date today with my middle son's ex-girlfriend. I just love her and her little boy. I am still grandma to him and I decided I wanted them to remain a part of my life...even though my son isn't really thrilled about that. She still loves my son but she is trying to get on with her life. I am really proud at how well she is doing. Her little boy it not my son's child but my son loves him like his that has been hard for everybody. But the girlfriend could have been mean and took her child out of all our lives but she didn't. She even lets my son still have daddy time with Jayden. For that I PTL and give her Kudos.
Well, tomorrow is my hour long EKG and then I have an appointment right after that with the Heart Surgeon. For some of you newer gals I have suffered with 10,000 extra heartbeats a day for about 12 years and my heart wigs-out on me sometimes and tries to beat out of my chest. I have had to go to the Hospital twice and have my heart stopped and re-stared (that is a bit freaky) now they are going to try and oblate the arrhythmia. They go up through the groin and either through the chest or elbow with a probe and lazer and they find the 2 or 3 places in the heart where the electrical system is mis-firing and they lazer those areas. And the success rate is very high...that in most patients it takes care of all the problem and you never have trouble with it again. They prefer to do the surgery on people between 20 - 40 yrs old and I am 59 but my Cardiologist said, "Close Enough!" I laughed! Lets hope that the Surgeon agrees with him. So, keep me in prayer. I really want to have this done and be done with all this crazy heart stuff. My Fibro and Chronic Fatigue is enough to deal with.
I'm off for that cuppa tea and my book.
Blessings, ~peggy 
Farmgirl #1326
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have." |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Jan 19 2011 11:20:02 PM |
Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl
823 Posts
North Dakota
823 Posts |
Posted - Jan 20 2011 : 06:18:01 AM
Bren - I'm sure your first batch will go fine. I just did a batch Sunday. Laundry soap making is sort of addictive I guess you could say. I ran out a while back and between coupons and sales I was able to get store bought for like $1-$2 a bottle so I quit making laundry soap for a while. My man came up to me one day and said "Would you PLEASE make some laundry soap this weekend and stop with that stuff." LOL I've got the formula tweeked just right now so I can get all the solvent and cleaner smells from work out of his tshirts.
Farmgirl Sister # 2363 Warren, MI
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Jan 20 2011 : 08:35:16 AM
Peg, will be praying for you and a 100% success.
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 20 2011 : 09:00:38 AM
Boy I have been gone too long. I had sooo many pages to catch up on. So much going on. My prayers for all your trials ladies. Well, I decided to finally leave. I will be on my way to Oregon for good next Monday. It will take 2 days and I have 4 kitties to travel with. I cleaned out my truck yesterday and tested to make sure all 4 carriers would fit. It will be a bit tight but most of my things will be in the truck bed anyway. I have a hard cover for it so I don't have to carry anything in the cab with me and the kitties. I'm going to spend one night on the way and found a Best Western that allows animals. Should be interesting. Peggy, my mom said your package arrived. I'm looking forward to it when I get there. My kids are coming up this weekend for the last packing and to say goodbye. I hope I don't cry all weekend. I have some medication to help with that. The bank is being a pain as usual. They told the realtor to list the house for $60,000 more than last time. She laughed at them and basically told them everyone in town would just laugh and she would look like a fool. She told them it will never sell at that price. I'm done worrying about it at this point. If it doesn't sell by May it goes into foreclosure anyway. Their loss. I'm looking forward to getting back to life. My mom has been wearing one of my quilted jackets and getting lots of wonderful responses. One lady wants me to make one for her. I sell them for $150.00. I'm also working on setting up a class to teach how to make them. I hope to get some quilting classes started so I can make a little money. Well, enough for now. Sorry about all the snow and cold. But that makes spring so much nicer!
Bunny |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Jan 20 2011 : 10:46:47 AM
Bunny...Good for you Girl! Finally the move is immanently close at hand! I will be so happy for you once you get settled in with your Mom in The Dalles and you can put your CA troubles behind you for awhile. That is neat that Mom is advertising your work by wearing one of your quilted jackets. See, you already have work waiting for you! You have such quilting talent that you will be selling and doing classes so quickly you won't have time to worry about the cabin and foreclosure and all the stressful stuff. I would probably even have you make me one of those jackets if you could do it in various shades and prints of Purples. I would love to see what they look like first before I placed an make sure it is what I envision in my mind. Do you have a picture of them on your blog-site? ~ Have a good time with your boys and just enjoy the weekend with them!!! Try to keep it light, fun and happy and be in the moment! Great Memories will take you a long way down a New Path. Drive Safely! Glad you are stopping one night! Smart Lady!
RFM Tammy - that was cute what your husband said about your store bought soap in comparison to the homemade soap. Nice! What a good man!
Cherime - Thank You for your prayers. I love knowing people will be praying for me.
Well, I am off to get ready for these two appointments today and for Bible Study Tonight. Chat with you all later.
Hugs and Smiles, ~peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have." |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 20 2011 : 10:52:52 AM
Peggy, thanks for the kind words. I don't have pictures of the jacket on my website. But looks like it would be a good idea. It is called a raggy jacket. Hard to imagine without a picture. I taught this class so many times because someone would see a student in the store with hers and come in and ask me to teach it again and again. My mom has gotten attached to the one I let her wear. I'll have to make a new one for myself. I am glad to get this done with! Looking forward to seeing my sewing machine again. Bunny |
True Blue Farmgirl
1853 Posts

1853 Posts |
Posted - Jan 20 2011 : 11:10:23 AM
peggyann my prayers are with you dear and your sons x sounds amazing but you must be an awesomes lady yourself as my MIL is bad news and would never see me and my kids even if they were hers but thats her loss and ow her mind is gone so she has no idea who i am LOL i really am bad... have a blessing day deborah inch by inch we find our way jersey farmgirl #1330
True Blue Farmgirl
253 Posts
253 Posts |
Posted - Jan 20 2011 : 11:41:27 AM
love your blog site Bunny! your work is beautiful! Best of luck to you for your upcoming move. Where is Groveland,CA? Is it near Pine Mountain Lake? |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 20 2011 : 12:28:57 PM
Thanks Bren. Yes, Pine Mountain Lake is in Groveland. I am glad to be leaving. I'm glad you liked my Blog. I hope to post more projects when I get settled. |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Jan 20 2011 : 1:04:54 PM
| your cute card and the Tea today. The one you sent is one of my Original all time Favorite Teas (and thanks for the little extra surprise too). Well, I'm off to my appointments.
Bunny...maybe when you get to The Dalles you can send me a picture of the one your mom has become attached to. Don't make her take it off...just take a picture of her wearing it. :+)
blessings, ~peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have." |
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Jan 20 2011 : 1:47:16 PM
Mmmmmm....I just made a pot of CreamEarlGrey tea.'s wonderful. It smelled like butter when it was steeping, hence the Cream part. It tastes so smooth and creamy. Wow! I'm looking outside at the snow coming down, doing laundry and enjoying this hot, steamy, fragrant cuppa....does it really get any better than this any day in Ohio?? I think...not! LOL Soooo, Bren, you now know why we love our homemede soap so much? Or have you washed a load yet? We love it. It took all the soap-film off our clothes and got all the perfume from built-up detergents out as well. I don't have rashes anymore either. Life is good! hahaha RFMTammy, I love it that even your DH loves your detergent. hahaha Good for ya'll. Peggy, you are in my prayers girl. How wonderful to think that you'd never have another heart problem again. Hey, wait a minute, if it's an electrical problem... I have this great Electrician-handy-man.......lolol.... if only it were that simple, huh? Oh Bunny, I'm so glad you can move on now. The "Kitties" will be worried for a bit, but as long as you are with them, they will adjust fine. I once traveled with my house-bunny and when we stayed in a motel, his cage fit up under the desk in our room perfectly. So when I opened the door on his cage, he hopped out and all around the room checking every corner, under the bed then back to his cage. It was a comfort to me knowing my room had been checked by my very own "bell-hop." LOL (sorry) True story though. Bunny's travel well. You will too! :) Well, time to go check my laundry, then I'm going to read and have that great-smelling tea! Can't wait :P Love yuns!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) Judy Hugs&Squeezles! I am not contained between my hat and my boots! -Walt Whitman- "Why couldn't I have been born Rich instead of So Good Looking?" |
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Jan 20 2011 : 2:32:48 PM
Hey ladies, still at work but tired of grading papers so ready to go home and have some hot tea. I am having pralines and cream. I have not had the pecan pie one but it sounds delicious and may be the one I have to try on my next round there...hehehe I just love tea...always love to try new ones.
Today was better on WW. I didn't go over my points. Yesterday boy did I Learn a lot about what I eat. I was like really I do that? Are you serious. So I am learning about me and getting healthy too.
The little butterflies are in trouble with madame butterfly today. We just could not be good today. I think the weather is going to change. My wings are worn out today.
Peggy praying for you today.
I will check in later ladies.
love to you all, Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God. Farm Sister #1889 |
True Blue Farmgirl
907 Posts

Canal Winchester
907 Posts |
Posted - Jan 20 2011 : 2:47:39 PM
Good evening everyone.
Peggy, got my ornament today. I just loved it. You did a beautiful job on it. Hope your appt goes well and I will keep you in my prayers.
Judy, got my tea today also, YUM!! I can hardly wait to get downstairs and brew it up!!!!
Gotta keep this one short, Still dealing with broken frig and a bad cold. (the tea will hit the spot)
The well of nature is full today. Time to go outside and take a drink. Diane Ackerman
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Jan 20 2011 : 3:02:08 PM
Judy, funny about your bunny bell hop. I'll be traveling with 4 kitties. They all have their own traveling crate. I'm going to visit the vet tomorrow to get some pills for them. They sleep all day at home anyway, but having them sleep for the trip would be easier on all of us I'm sure. Peggy, good luck on your surgery. I hope it does what you need. One less thing to worry about. I know there are lots of prayers coming your way. I know my mom would love to have her picture taken in the jacket. Tammy, sorry your wings are tired. Maybe your butterflies can learn about chamomile tea. ;)
Bunny |
True Blue Farmgirl
272 Posts
272 Posts |
Posted - Jan 20 2011 : 6:38:47 PM
Judy, I sat on my front porch again today and ate my lunch. I don't know how much longer this 75+ weather is going to last but when it goes away it will rough to go through to spring. I had a cup of pumpkin spice tea today. I didn't drink it all through fall but it still tasted good. I will keep everyone in my prayers that you will all come through your trials and troubles just fine. Hugs to all..... |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Jan 20 2011 : 10:42:18 PM
Judy...Your very own Bell-Hop huh? lol Now, that was funny! You crack me up! ~ I am sitting here sippen my Good Earth Original Sweet & Spicy Tea. Yum! My youngest son and I call this "Christmas Tea" because when I worked at The Mall In Vancouver every Christmas there was a Specialty Christmas Store that came in and they brewed this tea by the Coffee Pot Full for their customers. The Store always smelled like cinnamon and spices and just evoked good, warm, cheerful, cozy, homey feelings. So we named it The Christmas Tea (that you can buy year round and enjoy anytime).
Hi Betty...please share your 75+ degrees! Oh it sounds delightful! We were suppose to have a dry day today according to the weather man and it was cold and rainy again. What do they know anyway?
Theresa...glad you got the ornament and liked it. Since I made them in various colors I prayed that God would direct the right colors to the right person. So, if anyone doesn't like the color they get they will have to take it up with Him. LOL 
Madame Butterfly ...I am sorry your wings are weary tonight! One more day and then you can rest them for the weekend!
My Echocardiogram and EKG went fine today. Pretty cool to watch your own heart beat and the valves open and close. Since an Echocardiogram is an ultra-sound of the Heart...when I came out my husband said, "Well, is it a boy or a girl?" Funny Man! I said, "It's a Valentine and I am relieved that it was beating!" We both went in and met with the Surgeon. He spent an entire hour going over the procedure with us. It will be on an Outpatient Stay and will last approx. 4 1/2 hrs. They will use four electrodes (two in each leg (groin) and half of my body will be laying in a CT Scanner so they can watch their work. They now have a 90% success rate. Which is awesome! It will allow me to go off of 2 or 3 heart medications. Yahoo! They are suppose to call me tomorrow to schedule the surgery for sometime in February. It will be done over in a Portland Hospital. Can't wait to have it done and over with...I am not a fan of Hospitals! They are good places to get sick in. Sad but true! My husband and I have done many hospital visits over the years in our Ministry Work.
Well, my book is calling me and I am really beat from a long long day. My Bible Study was great tonight too and I just love getting together with my sisters and sharing God and growing to love Him more everyday!
Your Thought for today: "To love what you do and feel that it matters - how could anything be more fun?"
Blessings My Porchies...left you some Bascotti to go with all those good teas everyone's drinking, ~peggy 
Farmgirl #1326
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have." |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Jan 21 2011 09:55:38 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
557 Posts
557 Posts |
Posted - Jan 21 2011 : 03:41:47 AM
Good Morning, Ladies. I don't get to post as often as I like but I try to keep up with reading yours. I did receive the ornament and tea bag from Peggy and the tea from Judy. Thank you so much! We have yet another snow day here (not that I'm complaining as I work for a college!), so I get to do whatever I want. Right now it's dark and snowy outside and I'm sipping my Golden French Toast coffee (coffee in the morning, tea in the evening) and catching up on my posts. Dianne in the Hudson Valley
Sister #749
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." --Leondardo da Vinci |
prayin granny
True Blue Farmgirl
1874 Posts
1874 Posts |
Posted - Jan 21 2011 : 08:57:14 AM
Snow is melting here, but still very, very cold outside!! Boy I miss my tea in the AM sitting out on my apt. balcony!! Well, spring will be coming soon??!!
In the meantime, I am brewing a pot of coffee and ready for some virtual porch (or balcony) sitting . Who wants to join me? Bring your coffee mug and join in!!
Blessings, Linda
Country at Heart |
True Blue Farmgirl
1949 Posts
1949 Posts |
Posted - Jan 21 2011 : 10:34:33 AM
Good morning errr Afternoon Lady Bugs!! I'm glad your echo went well Peggy. My son has one done once a year. He was born with a tight valve in his heart. It's absolutley amazing to me how far the medical field has come along. Praying the doc gets you "wired right." LOL
I'm feeling much better. Still a little stuffy. I'm really tired of missing work though. I'm sure my clients are tired of it too. My clients are pretty understanding and patient. I'm very grateful for that. I braved the snow. I hate driving in snow! Really hate driving in snow! Yesterday I was watching School of Life with Ryan Reynolds. In this movie Ryan or Mr. D shares a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt with two of his students- "Do one thing everyday that scares you." So I thought about that yesterday and I was still thinking about it this morning. So I got out in this snow and said "here goes nothing!" Not that I'm terrified of driving in snow but I really won't go out of town in it, but I have to tomorrow to take my son's friend home that's staying overnight.
Judy~ I got your card with the tea yesterday. Yuuummmmm!!! It really helped ease my sinuses too!
Bunny~ Have a safe trip!!!
Hugs~ Melanie
Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning the devil says "Oh Crap, She's up!"
Blog~ Etsy~
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Jan 21 2011 : 10:37:27 AM
Good Morning Porchies...I will grab my cup of French Roast Coffee and join you on The Porch this morning. We can sit and daydream about summer and warmer weather. Don't know about you but I am sure ready for that warm blissful place! We aren't getting snow just bucket loads of rain! Cold and wet and not much fun! 
Dianne...glad that you got the Ornament and tea! Good to know! Hope you enjoy it! 
Blessings, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have." |
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Jan 21 2011 : 12:03:50 PM
Afternoon Porchies. So glad everyone is getting their envelopes and enjoying their teas....and stamp did the job. Easy-peasy! That's why I enjoy putting a teabag in any cards that I send all cost the same but the receiver gets that little welcome extra bonus. ;) *pinkies up* LOL Peggy....I can't wait for you to have that proceedure done. It'll be great to have you(sputting)on all 4 cylinders again. Keep us posted girl. I like your DH's sense of humor. You need that. I sent an e-mail/video out to all of you about "Tires". I didn't know about their expiration date and thought you should know too. Man it's windy and cold here today. 17 with a very cold wind-chill. Only gonna be around 4 tonight. I don't even wanna know what THAT wind-chill is gonna be. brrrrrrr....put on an extra pair of socks. hahaaha Well... I'm off to have my afternoon tea and watch a movie. Stay warm Sistas!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) Judy Hugs&Squeezles! I am not contained between my hat and my boots! -Walt Whitman- "Why couldn't I have been born Rich instead of So Good Looking?" |
Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl
823 Posts
North Dakota
823 Posts |
Posted - Jan 21 2011 : 1:30:34 PM
Well my day here at the office is almost over, but my night of work has yet to begin. I'm hoping to get a cup of tea in before it starts. We're tearing out the tub surround tonight and repairing water damage or any other damage we find and installing a new surround. The man says we'll have it done by Sunday night. I'm crossing my fingers as it's the only bathroom we have in the house. Tonight is demolition night and we'll run to Home Depot for any supplies we don't have. We may have to get green board to put up as we seriously think the previous owner may have put the surround up without anything behind it (uggg). Tricky part is there's a window we have to cut the surround out to fit and then frame the window out. We couldn't get the surround I wanted due to the window.
Judy - totally identify with you. It was 9 degrees this morning when I left for work. High was supposed to be 24 but I doubt we make it that high. I use to have blanket sleeper type pjs that I just adored to wear in weather like this. So warm and cozy.
Butterfly Tammy - Have you tried doing a tea with your kids to possibly help calm them down? I agree with someone's suggestion of serving chamomile tea. Maybe tea and story time?
Farmgirl Sister # 2363 Warren, MI
A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |