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True Blue Farmgirl

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Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jul 24 2016 :  7:19:17 PM  Show Profile
It will be alright Cindy. We are by your side.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

528 Posts

Nashville In
528 Posts

Posted - Jul 25 2016 :  1:37:41 PM  Show Profile
Cindy, I hope Jaxon is feeling better. I know how hard it is when a beloved pet is having problems.
Quite a weekend here. On Friday morning I drove up to northern Indiana for my 45th (yep, you can do the math) high school reunion. There were many people there who had not attended before and it was so nice to see them. We were busy Friday evening, all day Saturday, Saturday night and Sunday breakfast. So many hugs and kisses, so much laughter and tears. We're already starting to make plans for 50. Out of the 294 in our class, we have already lost 45. For that large a class many, many of us are close and we hold all those who are left very dear. It was a wonderful weekend.
I got back Sunday about the same time our daughter and her husband got to the house. Hadn't seen her since Father's Day, they lead such busy lives and it was the only day weekend day free until late August. She didn't want to come at first, thinking I'd be too tired, but I'm never to tired to see her. We went to a pizza place in town that makes all kinds of wonderful pizza and also has a craft brewery.Then we lounged around and played with their dogs inside, because it was just too hot to go for a walk. Always so happy to see them.
DH was especially glad for a little distraction. He got a call early Sun that one of his younger brothers had died suddenly. He had spent a couple of days with him about two weeks ago fixing up a truck. His is not a demonstrative or emotional family which I have never understood, so while they weren't extremely close, he is still quite shaken and sad, and glad he had the time with him. We don't know anything about services yet.
Hope everyone had a nice weekend and is keeping cool.

Sister #2708

Romans 8: 38,39
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Jul 25 2016 :  3:42:12 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I hope Jaxon is home by now.

Glad you could visit with your daughter. It is nice that she makes time to visit with you and it is enjoyable. Sorry about your brother in law. It does make an older sibling recognize his/her mortality.

A ho hum day here. Didn't do much.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 26 2016 :  05:38:55 AM  Show Profile
My reunion would be 43 this year, I guess. I have tried to go when it's round number years -- like 35 or 40 -- but it's only over in Indiana, so it's just a 2-day drive now, instead of the 2500-mile flight when I lived out on the West Coast. We were a small class -- just at 100 people -- but the biggest the school had ever had, so we're all pretty close. Still feels good to see everyone.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
1138 Posts

Posted - Jul 26 2016 :  09:30:34 AM  Show Profile
Just back from my "check-up" with my financial advisor. He says I am doing everything I can do -- just need to keep on dancing, basically. We talked about "retirement" and what it means these days as opposed to 30 years ago. I think I just need to find a way to enjoy my job more. I truly enjoy the bookkeeping part of it, but it's the customers who get to me. Maybe I need to grow a thicker skin. Sigh.

I am so sorry to hear that everyone's pets are feeling ill. This heat and humidity is hard on everyone, for sure. We had a couple of very energetic thunderstorms yesterday and last night, as well, and I know some critters don't care for those. We sat in the kitchen on Saturday afternoon and watched a pair of young foxes eating from our backyard kitchen compost -- it was really something to see them up so close! Now we are fairly certain they were the critters digging everything up out there. Yesterday I looked out back and caught sight of a doe grazing her way across the woods at the top of our lot, up along the fence line. She looked nice and healthy, so that always makes me feel good. We have seen a doe with a fawn down in a field across the creek -- not sure if this was her or not. If it was, she didn't have her fawn with her.

We spent Sunday helping a friend bring his new-to-him boat up from the Severn River above Annapolis and across the Chesapeake and up into the Elk River. It was HOT weather and we had a great day. For once, I didn't have any responsibilities onboard, so I mostly just sipped cold beer and laid in the sun. We stopped at Annapolis and went into the harbor for lunch. What a lovely harbor and smalltown feel. Then back out onto the big water and up into the Elk and into the boat's new home. The guys set the lines and then we did a few in-and-outs so the new owner could get the hang of parking the boat in its slip. The river is VERY shallow up at that marina, and it's a big twin engine job, so it took a few tries, but he was getting the hang of it by the end. My Dude and an old salty friend of his came along to give the new Cap'n their expertise and support. We were all exhausted by the end of the day, but it sure was fun.

Today I am playing Tuesday catch-up here at the shop. Tonight we will go to Dude Jr's place for his birthday dinner. He is a really nice guy and I enjoy time with him and his wife. Poor kid is turning 49 today!!! His wife thought it might be nice to make a little bit of a fuss over him.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Jul 26 2016 :  5:25:00 PM  Show Profile
Jaxon is home! He still has the head tilt but his eyes are focusing much better and he seems happy, just very tired. I have to let him eat out of my hand as it is difficult for him to eat from a bowl right now. He can do steps but has to take his time. And he's been begging for tummy rubs--his favorite thing. He's getting an antibiotic and an anti-nausea medicine daily. I made an appt. for him with the ONLY dog neurologist in the St. Louis area but can't get him in till August 16. Going to see if the vet at the hospital where he was can get him in sooner. It's about an hour's drive to the neuro dog dr. Really don't want to have to drive in rush hour traffic--I'm used to it, but don't like doing it with a dog in the car. Too many crazy drivers out there. Jaxon was good boy at the hospital and won everyone over.
Marie--Mitzi's anal glands may need "expressing" (a weird term but that's what it's called). Lowell sounds like my uncle--he used to have a dog that he and my aunt treated like a child. he cried when the dog died but I don't know if he cried when his son died--he loved his son just fine, he's just not the type to express his feelings. Just his opinion, which is a lot like Archie Bunker's. I don't know if he's still feeding the twenty or so raccoons that live in the woods behind his house. They were so tame that he could pet them.
The hot weather finally broke. sunday was the worst as far as the heat goes. I mowed the side yard and the dog yard yesterday evening and the grass had grown so tall it was unbelievable. Shows you what a lot of rain will do for the grass.
Karin--I am sorry about your BIL. It sounds like your husband is carrying his grief inside. Some people handle it better that way.
Marilyn--I wonder if I'll ever be able to retire. They'll probably "retire" people in coming decades by euthanizing them when they're no longer able to "contribute" to society. Sounds crazy, but this whole world is getting way too crazy. I hope Jesus returns before that happens. I don't want to be a 70-year-old doing a "Logan's Run".

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog on Tumblr: eclecticstarlightcollectorbluff
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Jul 26 2016 :  5:41:13 PM  Show Profile
Mitzi has a fleshy growth on her anus about one-quarter inch long. It is bleeding and has to be removed. She will have the procedure on August 9.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Jul 26 2016 :  6:05:17 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

ON Saturday when I was brush hogging a path in the field across the pond I startled a fawn with spots near the blueberry bushes. I stopped the tractor and let it run into the woods.

C says we have rats in the hay barn. We will not poison them yet. I am afraid that the rats would eat the poison and then go down into the pig pen to drink the water and die. I am worried that a pig would eat the dead rat and get the poison into its body.

I have a friend who lives in Deale near Annapolis on the Chesapeake Bay. She used to keep a sail boat at her house but now she is blind.

I have the GPS on the cow now so we know where she is in the fields. She went down the hill on Sunday and I knew it but I did not know where she was until a neighbor called telling us to get her.

We have a chicken and her chick living in one of the raised beds. I put a waterer out with them and each day I take out food for them. I want her to stay there until her chick is big enough to keep up with her.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
1138 Posts

Posted - Jul 27 2016 :  05:31:29 AM  Show Profile
Oh Holly! The idea of the GPS on the cow made me snort my coffee out through my nose! That is just brilliant!!! Kind of like what we do for some of our more "fiscally challenged" customers -- gotta keep track.

Glad to hear that the pups are being cared for. So hard when they are ill!

Another sad tale from the used auto business, but one that is repeated around here quite frequently. A lonely lady -- long-time customer of a little more mature years, not of lithe figure -- she comes in the other day with her boyfriend to buy a car. He wants this Range Rover to drive and she is the one with the history with us and the PA license, so they sit down with me to do a credit app, etc. I got a funny feeling when I asked about employment -- he is a painting contractor and she evidently "works for him" and gets paid under the table. He also lives with her in the house her parents left to her and "does things around the house" to pay his rent. Well, everyone has their own way of working out the logistics, and that's just fine, but I got an odd vibe from these two.

So the guy is supposed to pay a down payment -- he only happens to have half the cash on him, but will be back the next day with the balance. Of course we get a phone call that he is tied up and can't get in, blah blah blah. Dude decides he will let it go over the weekend and see what has fallen out after that. So Monday morning comes a teary phone call from the lady. Boyfriend went to the local ER over the weekend for a "headache" and has evidently been abusing amphetamines -- she finds out that he has a suspended license (and that after he has been driving her car for several months) and has been in trouble with the law, etc., etc., etc. So she doesn't want to keep the car, and drops it off here under the guise of it having some kind of leak so the boyfriend won't be suspicious. Now she's trying to "get him out of the house." Sigh.

The boyfriend called and left a message last night and talked about what he needed to do to get the car back, and on and on. It never ends with these people. They will say whatever they think I want to hear to drive away with the car and then they just don't pay. I grow weary. But I also feel sad for these women who feel so lonely or incomplete or whatever that makes them take up with these losers and users. So so sad.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."

Edited by - Marilyn Hartman Sullivan on Jul 27 2016 05:32:16 AM
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
1138 Posts

Posted - Jul 27 2016 :  08:58:00 AM  Show Profile
So...Dude consults with the wronged ladyfriend and calls the boyfriend. Tells him that the vehicle is NOT going to be leaving our lot because boyfriend has broken his contract by not paying the rest of the down payment, not getting insurance on the vehicle (which he can't because of his suspended license) and generally telling big fat fibs to us. The boyfriend, of course, just can't understand why we would not wish to do business with him. Dude explains that Ladyfriend has been a long-time very valued customer, and the only reason that we were going to do business with him in the first place, but that now he has shown himself to be untrustworthy, unreliable and unwelcome here. Boyfriend fussed and fumed and told some more big fibs -- finally Dude told him that the bottom line was that we would NOT be doing business and that his belongings had been removed from the vehicle and he could come pick them up. Evidently boyfriend then threw his phone down in a big fit and ladyfriend picked it up. Dude told her to let us know when boyfriend would be coming by and that we would have all his stuff outside for him to pick up. She is just so embarrassed and humiliated. Here she tried to help this loser and he has turned right around and done her this way and made her look bad in front of people who respected her. She has been a good customer here for many years, and she's a really nice lady, but this guy just took her for a ride. I know she is so upset and worried that Dude will think less of her. I just feel badly for her that now she has this yucky guy (who is still living with her, evidently) to deal with. Hopefully he will move on down the road.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Jul 27 2016 :  4:40:42 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I understand how the woman could get sucked in by a sob story. I think about helping the homeless guys around here but then the pessimist in me wins the battle before I do something I would regret. There are not that many homeless people around here. Some of them have really nice shoes so I wonder how hard up they really are. We have pretty good mental health services in this area. I hope the woman can get out from under this.

It has been so hot and stagnant here today. Not much can be done. I wonder if the stores with air conditioning make more money on really hot days.

DsR has been having a good time at day camp. He has been doing a lot of arts and crafts but I do not know what. He has not brought home any of the projects. He has been participating in swim lessons this year. Last year he sat on the dock the whole time.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

2914 Posts


2914 Posts

Posted - Jul 27 2016 :  5:12:23 PM  Show Profile
Marilyn--there are so many con artists out there, and they always seem to find someone to believe them. I got a call this afternoon and the person didn't leave a message but I recognized the number. It is a guy who works (or worked) for Netgear and he has called before and claims he is gathering info. for Netgear but I know he is harassing me. I looked up the area code----and it doesn't exist (560). It's an area code that scammers use. So I blocked it. Why can't these people earn an honest living? It's like lots of people don't know what that means anymore.
Jaxon is content to be home again but still very tired. I can't get him into the dog neuro dr. till August 16. As long as the antibiotics are controlling the infection/inflammation, I guess I'll have to wait until then.
My neighbor is going to come over later tonight to visit Jaxon. I'm glad my birds are chirping again. They were very quiet when Jaxon was away.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog on Tumblr: eclecticstarlightcollectorbluff
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
1138 Posts

Posted - Jul 28 2016 :  05:54:07 AM  Show Profile
Stopped at the drug store this morning to buy a birthday card for my dad. It's interesting how difficult it is to choose a birthday card for someone who is dying. But then, I guess we all are. Maybe there's a good lesson in there somewhere.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
3966 Posts

Posted - Jul 28 2016 :  07:32:50 AM  Show Profile
I believe that lonely lady will need support from some strong women who can help her lose that extra 150 pounds of dead weight hanging around. I would pop in for a visit.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
1138 Posts

Posted - Jul 28 2016 :  07:42:35 AM  Show Profile
Ha! She came in here this morning. She seems pretty perky -- just really really ticked off at the 150-pound millstone. She said the boyfriend told her he was going somewhere to get a check and then he was going to come over here and give it to Dude so he could get the car back. Dude just laughed. He said there was no way he was going to do business with the guy because his word was no good and if he's this much trouble now, he will be through the whole deal. She was so aggravated with the guy. She had told him that she had always been able to do business with us because if there was problem, she always called and kept in contact and TOLD US THE TRUTH. Hard concept for some people, I guess. Anyway, she took all of the stuff that he had left in the car -- his painting tools, etc. -- so hopefully he will not be coming by here. I wouldn't want him to come in when I'm here on my own, which is a fair bit of the time. Hopefully he will have learned a lesson from this, but I doubt it. I'm sure he considers it all our fault.

I hope everyone (and their pets!) holds up well in this heatwave. I keep getting flash flood watches on my phone -- we are supposed to start getting rain at about noon and then the heat and humidity should break a little. I certainly hope so. My mechanics keep finding so many reasons to come into the office -- ha ha. I don't blame them -- it is hot and sticky out in that garage. I took the garbage out a few minutes ago and I couldn't believe how sticky it was. We are actually very lucky here. We have this wave usually for two or three weeks around the end of July/first of August, and the rest of the time it's not too bad. We even sleep with our windows open and the a/c off most of the time, but these past couple of weeks we did NOT!

My new Turkish spindle is to ship out today. I am so excited! I got a top-whorl spindle a month ago and have been learning to spin with it. It is lots of fun, but I like the way you wind the finished yarn on the Turkish spindles, and I wanted to try something a little lighter so I could make finer yarn.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
1138 Posts

Posted - Jul 28 2016 :  09:25:19 AM  Show Profile
Well that was sure fun! The boyfriend came by just after the mechanics had left for lunch and His Dudeness was out. Luckily, my former lot-guy had stopped by to borrow a power washer and he saw the guy out front and stuck around. The guy had pulled up out front, but he waited for his ladyfriend to get here -- I think she was trying to keep a lid on things. Anyway, after she arrived, he came inside. I asked if they were looking for the Dude and of course they were. I said he was out and I wasn't really sure how long he would be. So the guy comes back into my office and started in about wanting to get things straightened out. I told him that Mr. **** had made it pretty clear already that he was not going to be doing business with him. The guy launched into some big tirade about not understanding why. I told him that wasn't a topic I wished to pursue, but that we would not be doing business with him. He got all bonkers and I was very glad that Jose was here. He kept hollering about it all being something "personal," like the girlfriend had somehow scotched the deal for him. I assured him that it had been a business decision. He finally went outside and that was when His Dudeness arrived back. They stood out front having a rather heated discussion. Jose got up and watched from inside until the boyfriend reached out and tried to slap some papers out of His Dudeness' hand. Boy, old Jose was out that front door like a shot! Dude stepped over to keep him off the boyfriend, but made it abundantly clear that their discussion was now at an end and that he should be leaving the premises. Whew. So everything has calmed down now and hopefully the guy won't be coming back. The ladyfriend called me a little bit ago and said "I owe you for a tire and a big shot of self-esteem -- Thank you!" She said the boyfriend had just texted her and said he needed to use her car tomorrow -- she laughed.

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

77 Posts

77 Posts

Posted - Jul 28 2016 :  12:33:42 PM  Show Profile
Checking in quickly!

We are done all the calves! 3000 total!

We've had guests here continuously for two weeks, including one of my besties and her new man. They were going to stay one night, but ended out staying for three. They helped us with a big calf day, almost 400 calves. They'd never done anything like it in their lives and loved it!

Both sons were here, one for almost a week, the other not very long. Granddaughter was here for three days. A friend was here for almost a week, too, helping with the calves. She just left.

I've never been so glad to have two guest rooms and a guest bath, but it's been like a hotel making them up every few days.

I've been baking / cooking for the family reunion in between calves and mowing. My sister and I are catering for the folks who are tenting or hotelling, almost 50 people for four meals, by last count. Pre-prepping lots of the food. I THINK we're ready, just have to get there. The cowboy and I are leaving this afternoon, after he's done salting the cattle on the rental pasture. Just going partway, have a night ALONE, before it's mayhem again.

We are bringing my daughter and two granddaughters back with us on Monday. She told me yesterday that she and her man are breaking up. Hopefully, they just need a break for a bit, not a break-up.

My son (the one who separated from his wife a month ago) is doing very well. Just completing a tour for the Canadian Diabetes Association.... Lots of good stuff happening there. Hard to believe a month ago it was so desperate.

Better run.... take care, ladies!


My life on the ranch ...
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Marilyn Hartman Sullivan
True Blue Farmgirl

1138 Posts

Oxford PA
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Posted - Jul 29 2016 :  06:29:33 AM  Show Profile
Ann's life makes me tired to just READ about it! How wonderful. I am so glad that she's enjoying her company and that her son is doing so much better. There's a lesson in there for all of us.

I cried my stupid self to sleep last night after a siblings chat about my Daddy. He is failing quickly and we don't think he has much time left. However -- he is not in any pain and his spirits are very good, so I will be happy about that. My brother also says that Mother has been giving up a lot of her denial finally and is beginning to admit that Daddy is dying. She has been trying to just ignore the facts and say he is tired. He is really fine with it -- he's ready to go. We're not ready and we don't want him to go -- but who ever does? I've been very very blessed in my life to have missed out on so much heartache, but these things come to all of us. Poor Dude -- he hates it when I am so sad and he can't just fix it. He has lost two children and two siblings and of course his parents are gone -- he has too much experience with loss and grief to not feel it very deeply for me. He's a good hugger, thank goodness.

Dude has gone to the auction today, so I am alone in the office. The mechanics will be here until after lunch, but it's pretty quiet. Fridays are usually big payment days, so this afternoon ought to be nice and busy. I think I will get to work on my schoolwork and that will help me pass the time.

Have a lovely Friday, everyone!

Farmgirl #6318
"Where there's a will -- there's probably a family fight."
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True Blue Farmgirl

528 Posts

Nashville In
528 Posts

Posted - Jul 29 2016 :  07:10:45 AM  Show Profile
It is still so hot and muggy here, 97% humidity this morning. It was foggy and you couldn't see out the windows for the dampness. I'm really glad this only lasts for about a month here.
Ann, I'm so glad your son is doing well. Hopefully all will work out for the best for your daughter. Sounds like you have been VERY busy.
Marilyn, isn't spinning fun? I haven't tried a Turkish spindle, but one of the ladies I knit with has one and she really likes it. One of the other ladies made several top whorls out of dowels and polymer clay. They are very cute.
I am so sorry about your dad. I know how hard it is to be far away from him right now.

Sister #2708

Romans 8: 38,39
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True Blue Farmgirl

3966 Posts

Minneapolis MN
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Posted - Jul 29 2016 :  08:08:59 AM  Show Profile
The temperature has moderated. I can actually sit on this chair without sticking to it. I had a great deal of fun having hot flashes every 3 hours in 90 degree heat. I feel cleansed.

We spent almost all the neighborhood board looking at renderings of a proposed development site in our neighborhood. Back before I came to Minneapolis, this neighborhood just north of Lake Street was run down and dangerous. It was decided to block Nicollet Avenue at 28th Street. We call it "The Wall". A grocery store and Kmart were placed on that site. Two thirds of this 2 block area is parking lot. This Kmart is the highest grossing in the system because the rent is really low. Now that things have changed, our neighborhood wants to open up Nicollet Avenue and put in a development that won't be the usual big boxes and concrete. The renderings were just concepts. The city is planning to develop a total of 10 acres around this area which includes the Kmart site and the highway area adding entrance and exit ramps and a transit center. The neighborhood does not want the standard development plan that the city always does so we have our work cut out for us. I am planning to go to many planning meetings and public hearings. This whole project is so exciting.

Marie, Sister #5142
Farmgirl of the Month May 2014

Try everything once and the fun things twice.
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True Blue Farmgirl

2428 Posts

Gladstone Mi.
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Posted - Jul 29 2016 :  08:47:56 AM  Show Profile
We got back home Monday late afternoon. I knew we were going to have a short trip home and right back. We were supposed to go east and come down the atlantic side and do some site seeing. Well, Bob is one that just wants to get the vacation over with. Now we are here in almost 100 degree weather and he is complaining about being cooped up indoors because it is way too hot to be outside. I had to transplant all of my potted plants outdoors because some of them got way too much rain and they were starting to rot. I did manage to save most of them. I work a little bit at a time outside. The cat that has been hanging around here since May was still here when we got back. He now thinks he lives here, but I cannot let him in because I am allergic to cats, so he is out in the heat. He loves it when I water my garden, he lays on the ground curled up around a pot to cool off. I am hoping whoever left him here comes back in the fall. Bob hates cats, but I tell him that I am not going to let this cat die. I will feed him and give him water until he finds his masters again. He does have a collar on, so I am thinking someone had to leave here for the summer and could not find the cat when they left. I have not seen a rat or a snake since he has been hanging around, so I don't mind feeding him.
Marilyn, I am so sorry to hear about your dad. I know how hard it is to go through this. Thankful he is not in pain. Maybe he will go in his sleep. That would be a peaceful way to go. I imagine it is very hard on your mom to see him deteriorate like that.
I have been worrying about Bob. He cannot remember a lot of things lately. When we were in Michigan, he did not know his way to the dollar store. We live in a very small town and there are only so many places to go. He could not remember a lot of things coming home. He gets crabby at me if I say something that is the way it is, he thinks it is all together something else. We will see if it is just the heat, or something else. If not, he will be going in to find out.
I finally drove the car when we were home. Now that I know "the feel" of the car, I am more confidant that I can drive here in the busier traffic. I may have to if Bob keeps up the way he has been doing. I know where I am going, anyway.
Marie, Sounds like your city is changing, hopefully for the good. Maybe there will be more places to shop and see near you. Bet you are getting excited for your new job to start soon. Hard t believe it is almost August already.
Ann, I am sure you are glad that big job is finally done. Company is good, but can be a lot of work sometimes. You seem to have a lot of energy, more than I do, that is for sure, but you gotta do what you gotta do, right?
Karin, hopefully your heat wave is almost over. It is hard to get used to it when you normally don't have that much heat for so long. We are from Michigan and never have it this hot, but I will still take the heat over the cold and snow any day.
Cindy, Glad Jaxon is doing better. Hopefully it will be something minor they can take care of with drugs and no surgery. Seems animals healthcare costs more than humans. They can be expensive, that is for sure. How is the job going? I am sure it feels good to have an income again.
Holly, You are always so busy. Hope you get a lot of help when needed. Sounds like the littles are enjoying their summer so far. It is hard to believe it is almost school time again. I think they start here in a couple of weeks. All the school stuff and fall clothing is out here already. Hard to find a swimsuit this time of year. You can swim here year round, but you cannot find summer clothing hardly at all. Crazy.
I hope I remembered all of you. I do not want to offend anyone by leaving them out of my post.
Have a great day, and stay cool, if at all possible!!!!!

Farmgirl Sister #3340
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

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Worcester Vermont
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Posted - Jul 29 2016 :  4:56:35 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

I tried to post twice last night and lost both of them when I tried to add a picture. My computer's fault not the site.

Growing old is not for sissies. Your Dad is in a hard place for sure. What are you upset about in his passing? He will always be with you. I am not one to give solace very well. it is okay to cry and you should as much as you need too. It is healing. Do not feel guilty about needing the space to grieve. I am glad the dude is a good hugger and seems to have patience.

I hope the family reunion goes well and you do not continue to work the whole time. Did you brand the calves to ID them?

Gee Jan, I was thinking that I might get a call telling me you were in the area and could you park here. I do have a spare room, although you would need to put up with the children.

DsR had a good time at his camp. Today was the last day. I think school starts in a month. The last Monday in August. I have been giving dsC swimming lessons at the pond. He is a quick learner and the water temperature is tolerable. The pond has four springs in the bottom of it so the temperature is on the chilly side.

Sweet dreams,

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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2914 Posts

Posted - Jul 29 2016 :  10:53:07 PM  Show Profile
Just popping in for a VERY tired. Slept an hour last night. Jaxon is doing much better and went for a walk and is eating out of his dish. I got hacked. Got an "e-mail" from Social Security stating that I need a cell phone with texting to log into my SS account. yeah....right. The SSA doesn't even send out e-mails to people. It's like the IRS. It's the same person with the bogus phone number. Somehow he got into my e-mail account. Feel overwhelmed. Wishing peace for everyone. Holly, you are right, growing old is not for sissies. Life gets more difficult the older you get, the only good thing is you're better prepared for dealing with it after all those years of experience. Just when we think we've gotten enough experience, our time comes up. Maybe it's meant to be that way. Marilyn, I am sending you peace and comfort.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog on Tumblr: eclecticstarlightcollectorbluff
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Tall Holly
True Blue Farmgirl

2305 Posts

Worcester Vermont
2305 Posts

Posted - Jul 30 2016 :  5:44:09 PM  Show Profile
Good evening everyone,

Today was a lovely day here on the old hill farm. Temperatures were in the low eighties and not much humidity. I puttered most of the day.

We put the meat chickens and turkeys into their out door pen. They are mostly feathered out and should do well now. We left the laying hens that are still chicks inside. They could go outside into a pen but dsC and dsG cut a doorway in the wall of the pen last year that I still need to repair so the birds do not get out. They wanted to be able to get their favorite birds out before killing day. The hole is below many burdock plants and I loathe getting the burrs stuck in my hair so I have been procrastinating.

We picked a few blueberries. I thought there were more but someone must have gone up the hill and filled his bellly before I got there with the bucket.

I am glad Jaxon is feeling a bit better.

Sweet dreams

farmgirl #2499
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True Blue Farmgirl

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2914 Posts

Posted - Jul 30 2016 :  7:14:29 PM  Show Profile
Jaxon is doing much, much better. He still can't jump up on his couch but his old personality has returned. Yeah for modern veterinary care!
I changed my password and deleted a little used account and since then, that person has tried signing in to them no less than four times. I was reading about cyber crime and there are people at some companies that have your sensitive info. and will sell it to others--I think that's what happened in this case. I've contacted the FTC and other sources.
Holly--do you think it could have been a bear that got the blueberries? I was getting some really good blackberries but now they seem to be past their prime.
Sigh****he just tried to sign in again. I fear I am being cyber-stalked.

"Come by the hills to the land where fancy is free; And stand where the peaks meet the sky and the rocks reach the sea.Where the rivers run clear and the bracken is gold in the sun. and cares of tomorrow must wait till this day is done"--Loreena McKennit
"In many ways, you don't just live in the country, it lives inside you"--Ellen Eilers

Visit my blog on Tumblr: eclecticstarlightcollectorbluff
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