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Queen Bee

16513 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Feb 09 2024 :  1:48:28 PM  Show Profile
Stay tuned!

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~

True Blue Farmgirl

17172 Posts

WACAL Gal WashCalif.
17172 Posts

Posted - Feb 09 2024 :  9:42:39 PM  Show Profile
"Oh!!! the Plot thickens! heeheehee!

A good book, like a bowl of ice cream is hard to put down...

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva!
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True Blue Farmgirl

7394 Posts

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Posted - Feb 12 2024 :  1:55:37 PM  Show Profile
Right, Grace! I do love a good mystery.

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Blessed in Colorado
True Blue Farmgirl

6882 Posts

Debbie L.
6882 Posts

Posted - Feb 12 2024 :  2:42:45 PM  Show Profile
Umm, I too wonder what she is up to.

Big Hugs,
Blessed in Oregon
With Colorado on My Mind
Farmgirl of the Month September 2012, February 2018, September 2022
“My altars are My Mountains
and the Ocean.” Lord Byron”

When I am Old I Shall Wear Purple, I am Old now!!

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True Blue Farmgirl

2934 Posts

Georgetown OH
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Posted - Feb 12 2024 :  3:01:03 PM  Show Profile
Books plus MaryJane. Has to be GREAT!
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True Blue Farmgirl

9475 Posts

Beavercreek Ohio
9475 Posts

Posted - Feb 12 2024 :  3:37:09 PM  Show Profile
Hmm, my interest is definitely piqued!

Sister #43~1/18/2007

"I am a bookaholic and I have no desire to be cured."

"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
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True Blue Farmgirl

1718 Posts

Kennewick WA
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Posted - Feb 12 2024 :  6:17:42 PM  Show Profile

Karen :)

To quote one of my past preschoolers “Not one of those Karens, but a good Karen”! Haha
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Queen Bee

16513 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16513 Posts

Posted - Feb 23 2024 :  08:43:14 AM  Show Profile
Ah, thank you for your encouraging words. Such lovableness. And support.

Now that I've moved into the sweet-surrender-of-aging phase of my life, I've become even more passionate about books and their importance, both personally and culturally. And the sharing of them. Chatroom member Jean Pici told me recently that she challenges herself to read 100 books every year. "And I write a one-sentence review for each one. Want to see my list from last year?" It felt like she'd just offered me the key to her kingdom, who she is, who she strives to be, what her struggles are and have been, what she thinks is notable, and most important, a million and one conversations we can have. Book talk.

For Christmas, I gave Jenny, one of our farmhands, a book written by the aviatrix, Beryl Markham, West with the Night. It's a book that makes you think women can do anything. And her style of prose is truly stunning. Two months later, Jenny gave me the book that prompted her to join the Navy. She served for six years, around the world, an ER in Guam, ships anchored outside Syria ...

The book she gave me was Night Witches by Bruce Myles, an author who spent 20 years conducting interviews and doing historical research about WWII. In 1941, as Hitler swept eastward toward the Soviet Union, the desperate call went out for female volunteers to join the Air Force as combat pilots, whom the Germans came to dread as the "Night Witches," three entire regiments of women. On June 14, eight days before Hitler's devastating air attack on the Soviet Union, the Kremlin had described the rumors of a German attack 'an obvious absurdity.’ But once Leningrad was surrounded and besieged, the invaders took three million prisoners. Their Air Force was destroyed in the attack. In the swell of anger that followed the first shock of the invasion, the idealistic young flocked to recruiting offices, among them, clutching their high-school flying clubs' pilots' licenses, were teenage girls from all over the Soviet Union who had flying experience, the result of one aviatrix in particular who had pushed to have learning to pilot a plane become part of their early curriculum.

We have a thread here called 'What’s Everyone Reading.' Please continue to share your book loves there. I’m tuned in and anxious to learn from you.

'Reading with MaryJane' will be me tossing out a book possibility by sending you a link to more about that particular book on the 'Glitterati Literati' section of my blog, Raising Jane. There are other categories on Raising Jane, but really, I've come to realize those are more of a personal scrapbooking endeavor that I’ve revisited recently, abandoned during my husband’s 5-year illness and subsequent death in 2022.

The other Raising Jane category I’ll be making note of on this thread here will be 'Great Finds and Giveaways.' I want to give away books. In a recent issue of my magazine, we featured a children’s book about a older woman who planted lupine everywhere. Me, I want to plant books in my old age. Everywhere.

Here’s my When the Jessamine Grows Reading with MaryJane book:

And here’s my When the Jessamine Grows Great Finds and Giveaways giveaway:

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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True Blue Farmgirl

17172 Posts

WACAL Gal WashCalif.
17172 Posts

Posted - Feb 23 2024 :  12:07:56 PM  Show Profile
Mary Jane.. I luv " planting books".. I love the idea of sharing them... passing on books and magazines to friends...

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva!
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True Blue Farmgirl

7394 Posts

7394 Posts

Posted - Feb 23 2024 :  1:40:08 PM  Show Profile
Auntie MJ, I just love this!! I have always had a huge passion for children's books. My kids have shelves and shelves of books. Many of those books we have read over 100 times. I purchased most of my children's books when I was working in a daycare years before I even had children. I feel the need to make sure that all children have books in their lives, but I never looked at it from an adult perspective. It's just as important to make sure adults have books to read. I will join you on this reading journey. Your first reading with MaryJane book has been a great choice. I am enjoying the story and finding times when it's hard to put down. I look forward to seeing what book you pick next.

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True Blue Farmgirl

1718 Posts

Kennewick WA
1718 Posts

Posted - Feb 23 2024 :  7:43:22 PM  Show Profile
I love this so much! :) My daughter’s first grade teacher(many, many years ago) commented to me that Amy turned in a book order every time she brought home a scholastic book form. My response to him?? One can never have too many books. I still believe this to be true to this day! :)

Karen :)

To quote one of my past preschoolers “Not one of those Karens, but a good Karen”! Haha
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Red Tractor Girl
True Blue Farmgirl

6697 Posts

Gainesville Fl
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Posted - Feb 25 2024 :  08:22:08 AM  Show Profile
MaryJane, I am a fellow traveler with you on reading books. There is so much to learn and so many wonderful books to enjoy. While I do keep many favorites, in the past few years, I have been passing them on to our local Friends of the Library who offer two huge sales each year. The one we had last October brought in the largest revenue ever. They were able to send money to our local schools to purchase needed books, our local prisons, and the local homeless community library. The sale days are fun because you see so many friends and everyone has tote bags, paper bags, whatever they can find and come and fill them up with new books to enjoy.

Recently, I read Walter Issacson's biography of Benjamin Franklin and I was stunned at how much I never knew about this man who was one of our most important Founding Fathers. I am so glad I read it ! Now I am off reading Miranda Carter's book, George. Nicholas, and Wilhelm : Three Royal Cousins and the Road to World War I. I know so little about Europe during the late 1880s onward and the complicated history that is once again struggling for freedom and democracy. This book is very well written, easy to read, and full of how things began to fall apart with the ending as WWI.

MaryJane, I am going you with the other Farmgirls who want to plant books everywhere in my old age!! This is my kind of fantasy too.

Winnie #3109
Red Tractor Girl
Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015
FGOTM- October 2018

Edited by - Red Tractor Girl on Feb 25 2024 08:24:44 AM
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Queen Bee

16513 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16513 Posts

Posted - Feb 29 2024 :  07:35:13 AM  Show Profile
Winnie, I always love knowing what books you're up and the seeds you are planting. Also, that's an impressive way to support a library! That gets me to thinking about a book sale & ice cream social ...

Here’s my The Life She Was Given Reading with MaryJane book:

And here’s my The Life She Was Given Great Finds and Giveaways giveaway:

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Red Tractor Girl
True Blue Farmgirl

6697 Posts

Gainesville Fl
6697 Posts

Posted - Mar 05 2024 :  12:29:38 PM  Show Profile
MaryJane, this new book sounds very interesting! I like your idea of a summer ice cream social and book sale too. That would be a lot of fun and very different. Summer reading has always been popular with people so why not give them a chance to pick up some new authors and subjects to make this summer one of the best experiences.

Winnie #3109
Red Tractor Girl
Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015
FGOTM- October 2018
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Queen Bee

16513 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 05 2024 :  1:47:40 PM  Show Profile
Carol mentioned three books she's read recently and casually added, "I found them in the 'free library' boxes that are in peoples' yards when I was out walking."

How cool is that!!!!

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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True Blue Farmgirl

3201 Posts

Wapakoneta Ohio
3201 Posts

Posted - Mar 05 2024 :  4:10:37 PM  Show Profile
I love the free libraries! You never know what great books you're going to find. And once you start looking for them those free libraries pop up all over the place! I also found an amazing trailer at our farmers market last summer. They called it books for the homeless. The lady was busy talking to others so I didn't get all the details but there was a big trailer filled with books and they were all free. They accept donations - money and books. I don't know where all they go, they were not at the market any other time I was there. But, I have a bag of books ready to go to town to the free libraries and I'll have another ready by the time the farmers market opens in case the trailer is back!

Farmgirl Sister #4701
September 2014 Farmgirl of the Month

"The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment" - Yogi teabag
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True Blue Farmgirl

17172 Posts

WACAL Gal WashCalif.
17172 Posts

Posted - Mar 05 2024 :  4:30:04 PM  Show Profile
Ditto,, luv the little curb side 'libraries.. there is one in the Church parking lot across the street from our Dog Groomer's salon.. ..
Actually I have seen several around Spokane.. I love it!

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva!
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True Blue Farmgirl

17172 Posts

WACAL Gal WashCalif.
17172 Posts

Posted - Mar 05 2024 :  4:44:10 PM  Show Profile
I am kind of eclectic when it comes to reading.. I love historical books, obviously gardening, Arts and Crafts.. and Architecture,,,
I am currently reading, "Master of the Mid-Century Architecture of WM. Cody...
I just finished ;Mid-Century Design Source Book.. which is about the Modernism movement,, how it started, it's struggles through WW11 and Hitler Fascist Regime...

And since there is nothing worth watching on TV tonight I see a couple of hours of snuggling up with my kitty and my book and of course, a lovely glass of wine..

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva!
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True Blue Farmgirl

7394 Posts

7394 Posts

Posted - Mar 06 2024 :  12:42:22 PM  Show Profile
The chapter I read last night from When The Jessamine Grows, has me feeling so emotional and involved. You know it's a good book when you feel like you are right there with the characters. Has anyone else chosen to read this book?

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True Blue Farmgirl

7394 Posts

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Posted - Mar 18 2024 :  1:01:18 PM  Show Profile
Yesterday, I finished When The Jessamine Grows. This book really had an impact on me and I was able to relate to the main character on so many occasions. It makes me more grateful for what I have today and the small things that I take for granted.

Then this morning I read the first chapter in The Life She Was Given. I am really looking forward to this one.

Great book choices!!

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Queen Bee

16513 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16513 Posts

Posted - Mar 30 2024 :  08:44:23 AM  Show Profile
Here's my A Gentleman in Moscow Reading with MaryJane book:

And here’s my A Gentleman in Moscow Great Finds and Giveaways giveaway:

Run, don't walk to my giveaway Gentleman book. You'll love it!

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

16513 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16513 Posts

Posted - Mar 30 2024 :  11:16:54 AM  Show Profile
Hey Winnie, when this book arrived in my mail box I thought you'd sent it. After all, you are our resident apple seeder, apple knower, and ... orange??? grower?

But, the note inside said ....

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Red Tractor Girl
True Blue Farmgirl

6697 Posts

Gainesville Fl
6697 Posts

Posted - Apr 01 2024 :  10:32:32 AM  Show Profile
MaryJane, I live in a state where it is way too hot for apples to grow. However, my old, old Satsuma orange tree is full of white flowers this year and I can already see lots of tiny green balls where the blooms have finished. Hopefully, this will be a good year for oranges because they are so good and fresh when eaten right off the tree.

This new Apple book looks very sweet and the illustrator made a welcoming and beautiful cover.

Winnie #3109
Red Tractor Girl
Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015
FGOTM- October 2018
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True Blue Farmgirl

22941 Posts

Worland Wy
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Posted - Apr 02 2024 :  05:14:23 AM  Show Profile  Send Alee a Yahoo! Message
I just finished Solviva by Anna Edey, and while I wait for her to ship the next book, I think I might have to catch up with you ladies! I listen to a lot of audio books while I work and garden, but Zack loves for me to read to him each night. I’ll have to order Apple Picking Time! That looks absolutely beautiful!

Farmgirl Sister #8

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Queen Bee

16513 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16513 Posts

Posted - Apr 04 2024 :  07:54:12 AM  Show Profile
Nice to have you around again, Alee! I've never read Solviva but have come across Anna's work elsewhere. Her publisher, Chelsea Green Publishing in White River Junction, VT is the publisher for more of the same from other authors. I love picturing you dreaming/conjuring a place where her tried/true methods can be put to use.

And katmom, I've never once thought about reading mid-century, modernism movements! That's some niche. I'm going to give it a go though because I do think reading books favoring history is important. I love it when an author wanders off into a history lesson, even if only a sentence or two.

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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True Blue Farmgirl

22941 Posts

Worland Wy
22941 Posts

Posted - Apr 04 2024 :  11:58:01 AM  Show Profile  Send Alee a Yahoo! Message
Maryjane- I’ll send you the book! I think you and Anna would hit it off famously!

Farmgirl Sister #8

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