Recipe of the Week

Make It Fresh

Air FreshenerIris flourish

I hate aerosol sprays—not just because they have nasty things in them, but because they are overpowering and really don’t smell that great. So I created my own that not only freshens, but isn’t full of harmful chemicals. To make your own air sprays, save an empty spray bottle (re-use). Pour in distilled water and add several drops of essential oil (my favorite is rose) until the scent is strong enough for you. Shake and spray as needed. It really works great!

Julia in Oregon
The Farmgirl Connection™

Carpet FreshenerIris flourish

I found a great recipe for carpet freshener: put baking soda and a few drops of essential oil in a sealed bag and let it sit for a few days. Then sprinkle on the carpet, wait about 20 minutes, and vacuum it up. The carpet smells fresh and clean!

Lucy in Missouri
The Farmgirl Connection™

Need a good source of essential oils? Check out Mountain Rose Herbs!

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